Rub ‘n Buff Colors & What They Look Like

Interested in using Rub ‘n Buff but not sure which color to use? Here is the Rub ‘n Buff color chart and each color used on various items.

Some of the most frequent questions I get from readers is about Rub ‘n Buff. If you’re not familiar with what Rub ‘n Buff is, I suggest checking out this post about What Is Rub ‘n Buff? | How To Use & Color Options.

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Rub 'n Buff colors

Whether you are an expert in using this metallic paste-like finish, or are looking at other color options, this post is for you.

In this post, I will be sharing the various colors that are offered and showing what they look like when used on different mediums.

What Colors Does Rub ‘n Buff Come In?

There are 12 beautiful metallic colors to choose from. My personal favorite color is Antique Gold as it gives off a sort of creamy gold appearance that isn’t too bright or too harsh looking. It matches fantastic with my Victorian Farmhouse decor and home.

What Do The Rub ‘n Buff Colors Look Like?

The color names are fairly descriptive in what the colors will look like, however, if you are a visual person like me, it’s best to see each color in action! Many of the colors have similar naming, however, they do look completely different. Some have more red tones, while others h ave more brown tones.

Each color will look different on the medium it is applied to, however, the same color generally looks the same regardless of what it is applied on.

Rub ‘n Buff on Canvas

Here are the 12 metallic colors on canvas with their names listed below.

rub n buff colors

Rub ‘n Buff on Metal Spoons

I purchased several spoons from my local thrift store and applied each metallic color to a spoon. *Note: this is meant to only serve as an example. Rub ‘n Buff is not food safe and should not be used on something you will serve or eat food from.

Rub ‘n Buff Antique Gold on A Lamp

As mentioned, Antique Gold is my all-time favorite finish color. Here is an example of a thrift store lamp I made over using Antique Gold.

Rub 'n Buff Antique Gold

Rub ‘n Buff Gold Leaf

Create a faux gold leaf finish using the color Gold Leaf and a paint brush.

Rub 'n Buff Gold Leaf

As you can see, each color has its own unique coloring. All, beautiful in their own ways. While the application process is extremely easy, the hardest part is picking out which color you will use!

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One Comment

  1. I loved your RubN Buff read…. I bought one and you are so right about how it opens the options on everything you do if you’re a committed diy’er or if once in a while you do something just to change it up a little….one suggestion is showing how, for example, one rub of pewter looks when you use it on a gold wood frame vs if you were using it on a white frame …. I wish I’d taken a picture…. I only had time to do it once but i and my friend loved it!!!!

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