DIY Knock-Off Pottery Barn Kids Growth Chart

I’ve been in love with Pottery Barn Kids Growth Charts since they first came out, therefore, I’ve had intentions of making one for my kids for forever! I’ve been so busy lately with growing my Shaklee business and just life in general, that I haven’t had much spare time for crafting. So last night at 10pm I decided instead of cleaning like I reallllly needed to, I would finally created my own Growth Chart! – and let me just tell you, I am SO glad that I did. I LOVE IT!!

growth chart 2

It was so easy to make! You should definitely give one a try for yourself!

Supplies Needed:

vinyl decals or stencil

-1 – 6x1x4 piece of pine wood which you can buy at your local hardware store, if you’re unable to find a 6 foot 1×4, then you can purchase an 8x1x4 pine board




sand paper

I actually cut my vinyl on my Silhouette Cameo  – If you have one you can purchase the design called “Growth Chart ” in you Silhouette Studio program.

Otherwise you can purchase this vinyl set for only $11.49


1. Paint your board – I chose to paint a darker color underneath a lighter color and then sanded the edges to give it some dimension and a distressed look.measuring stick2

2. Sand your edges to the amount of distress that you prefer.measuring stick3

3. Starting at the 6 foot marker (or above, I chose to only go to 6 feet high) – start adhering your numbers. It’s important to start at the top number rather than 1, the bottom because depending on where you hang the board because you’ll have to account for the distance from the floor up. I had to cut off part of the board on my bottom because I didn’t go past 6 feet.

measuring stick4

4. Using a power drill and a key hole router bit make a hanging hole in the back so you can hang it on the wall

measuring stick5

TA DA!! That’s it! So simple, huh?

measuring stick6

You can spruce these babies up however you would like. Put the kid’s name on them or add cute little characters, etc. But I I made this for all 3 of my kids so I wanted it to be very universal, plus I hung it up outside their bathroom door so it’s like a real decoration – so I wanted it to look non-kiddish 🙂

You’re all set to go and make your own now!! If you make one please share it with me on my facebook page – I’d love to show off your work!!

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  1. Oh that looks fabulous – and so simple too thanks to your directions!

  2. I love that this simple project can be personalized for each kiddo!

  3. I made something similar a few years ago and it hangs in my hallway. The only thing I wish that I would have done differently is made it to go from floor to ceiling. Like you I made it 6 feet tall, unfortunately my 14 year old exceeded the 6 foot mark last year.

  4. I love it! I need to make one. Lol we repainted our house but left our kitchen entry way undone because we marked our kids’ heights on it.

    1. aww that is so cute!!! i love it! my parents have all of our heights in the basement…but my hubby and i have moved so many times that i needed something portable to move with us!!

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