Spinach Mozzarella Pumpernickel Sandwich

A delicious twist on a classic grilled cheese! Spinach and mozzarella melted in between two thick slices of pumpernickel bread!

I remember the first time I ever tried spinach. I was 12 years old at one of my Aunt’s houses. We were sitting at her kitchen table and spinach just happened to be a side to the meal she had made. We didn’t see her very often so it was as if we were visiting with someone that you were way too scared to tell them you didn’t like something. (We were on our best behavior).

It was a traumatic moment. I sat there, held my breath and swallowed. Gag! I definitely was not a fan.

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Not liking spinach is something that runs in my family history. When my mom was a little girl she was visiting with a different sister of hers in California. Spinach was a side item on her plate as well. My mom refused to eat it so when her sister and husband were not looking she stuck the spinach in her shoe. Yes, her shoe. That’s how much she doesn’t like spinach! Just so she didn’t have to eat that green mushy stuff.

The whole trick with Popeye liking spinach never worked in our house growing up. My mom never made it and I didn’t have it again…until I was 21 years old and Lover Boy and I were poor college students trying to come up with cheap meals. One day we found ourselves shopping for Spinach Mozzarella Sandwiches…what!?!?! Spinach!!!…being head over heals in love really compromises your taste buds!

I politely agreed but started devising a plan like my moms…I wore closed shoes to that meal!

Go figure, once it was made and I took a teeny tiny bite, I actually liked it! Dang! Lover Boy totally had that effect on me – making me try (and end up liking) things I neeeever would have tried before!

So there I was eating a spinach sandwich! And guess what? We ended up making it over and over and over again throughout the rest of our college years! 🙂

The other day when the kids and I were grocery shopping we found 4 loafs of Pumpernickel bread in the discount isle because it was expiring that day. I was swarmed with memories of the spinach sandwich. I decided to buy the bread and make sandwiches!

I hope you enjoy it!

Spinach Mozzarella Pumpernickel Sandwich Ingredients

We baked the Spinach Greek Pie in a glass-bottom baking dish and then placed it in our traveling warmer/cooler carrying case – which worked out perfect! We didn’t eat until several hours after the Spinach Greek Pie was baked but it was still a perfect warm!

This Spinach Greek Pie is really easy to make and can be made the night before and kept in the refrigerator. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and then layer it lasagna style with the phyllo sheets.

Greek Spinach Pie Ingredients

  • spinach – for this pie, I prefer to use frozen spinach. First defrost the spinach by setting out on the counter for several hours until thawed. Once it is no longer frozen, place in a fine mesh strainer and press to excrete all excess water
  • Pumpernickel bread – a heavier bread similar to rye bread, however, it is slightly more sweet
  • mozzarella cheese – I prefer to use sliced mozzarella cheese, however, if you cannot find it in your local grocery store, it’s perfectly fine to use shredded mozzarella cheese
  • butter – using a butter knife, spread butter on both sides of the bread (like grilled cheese)
The Line Up: Pumpernickel bread, spinach (frozen or fresh), mozzarella cheese and butter
Butter the bread on one side, lay on George Forman or skillet, layer with spinach (if you use frozen spinach like I did, make sure you thaw it and drain the excess water by squishing the spinach with your hands)
Layer with cheese…I like looots!!
Add the buttered top of Pumpernickel
Close the grill and let it work its magic!
Come to mama!!!! Look at that oozing cheese!!!

If you give this recipe a try, come back and post a comment to let me know what you thought of it! Have a wonderful day!

*Little Sparrow

More Delicious & Easy Spinach Recipes


  1. Yum! Spinach is our favorite vegetable in this house- we have is as a side at least 2 to 3 times per week! (Sauteed with a splash of lemon juice or a bit of minced garlic added) Will definitely have to try this sandwich out : )

  2. Amanda @ Serenity Now says:

    Oh, mercy, that looks delicious!! I love cheese. And spinach. And pumpernickel bread. What’s not to love? 😉

    Thank you so much for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. 🙂 Have fun finding a new blog friend or two, and I hope you’ll visit me at Serenity Now again soon! 🙂

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