French Toast

As far back as I can remember my absolute FAVORITE breakfast meal was my dad’s French Toast. I’m not sure if it was because it tasted sooo good or if it was just the fact that my dad made it…which meant he was eating breakfast with us (something that didn’t happen during the week because he started work at 6am everyday).

Whenever he would ask us kids what we wanted for breakfast it was a no brainer. I always wanted french toast! So many times we would be short on bread or milk so someone would run up to the little local store, Collins, in Wasco, and grab what we needed (I remember even riding my bike there a few times and lugging home a gallon of milk. I would do anything for my dad’s french toast!)

When my dad, sister and I would go on campouts with Indian Princesses we always stopped at this little breakfast diner on the way with the tribe  in Lake Geneva, WI. Every single time I ordered french toast, 6 pieces to be exact. I could put that stuff down like chocolate milk!

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The morning of my wedding I was getting ready upstairs in my bathroom of 23 years. I came downstairs and found my dad making a big ol’ plate of french toast just for me (geez I’m getting all teary eyed over silly french toast!) He and I sat there and enjoyed my favorite breakfast (now one of my most favorite memories).  I think it was my dad’s way of saying that no matter what changes in life I will always be his little girl.

French toast is my comfort food. It reminds me of my most favorite person, my dad!












Lets make some!

What you need (*start heating a large skillet now on medium heat)










My dad does not measure but I did this time for tutorial purposes. Pour 1c milk in a shallow dish










Beat in 1 egg










Add 1tbs vanilla and mix










Add 1tsp cinnamon (I like to add 1/2 tsp nutmeg as well)










Butter your hot skillet










Lightly soak bread in egg and milk mixture, turn over and lightly soak other side











Let all excess mixture drip off otherwise it will be soggy and/or eggy











Sprinkle more cinnamon in bowl (do not stir). This insures that the first dunked side of the bread has a good coat of cinnamon











Place on skillet. Sprinkle more cinnamon on to the side that was dipped second since it doesn’t get much cinnamon from the milk/egg mixture dipping. Cook all of the way through. Bread should be toasty/crispy












Serve and top with butter and syrup!!


























This makes for 1 1/2 servings (roughly 4 pieces of large bread) so double or triple as needed (and if you’re making it for me, make6 times this amount!!! I’ll eat it all!) I really hope that that give this a try! It is my most favorite breakfast food in the world! As always, if you try it let me know what you think!


*Little Sparrow

More French Toast Recipes 

Brown Sugar French Toast

Brown Sugar Crusted French Toast Recipe smothered with melting butter sitting on a red plate  | Gathered In The Kitchen

My Favorite French Toast Recipe

Stephanie from Gathered In The Kitchen shares her favorite French toast recipe

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  1. Rebecca Vander Hamm says:

    I love Dad’s french toast. That will be a fun recipe to make with my children one day. Good memories. 🙂

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