My Favorite French Toast Recipe

Today is my daughter’s 14th birthday (excuse me while I go cry real quick). Last night, she asked me if I would make French toast for her for breakfast. While I was a little like “ugh!!! Then I will have to wake up so early” I quickly replied yes and was flooded with amazing memories.

Gathered In The Kitchen

French toast is my all-time favorite breakfast food. Growing up, my mom stayed home and my dad worked. He left for work before we woke up so he wasn’t at home for our breakfast routines (which honestly, included instant oatmeal, toast with cinnamon and sugar or spoonfuls of Pillsbury frosting when I was supposed to be practicing the piano when my mom showered —> hahaha!)

However, on the weekends, my dad would often times make breakfast and it was always French toast. I truly don’t know if it just tasted that amazing or if it simply tasted so good because it was made by my dad.

Truth be told, I genuinely think that it tasted so good because it was made with so much love.

Gathered In The Kitchen

(My parents came down to Georgia to meet their first grandbaby!…I’d bet that my dad made French toast while he was there! 🙂 I will always love our Georgia house!)

While my dad rarely cooked, he did make a few things that us kids just absolutely loved. Me, his French toast and for my sister, store-bought chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for her birthday… hahaha, we were such simple people!

On my wedding day, I didn’t want to rush out of the house, go get my hair and makeup done, etc. I wanted to stay home and get ready. By myself. Not with any of my bridesmaids. I wanted it truly like my favorite movie of all-time; Father Of The Bride. Annie gets ready at home has a last meaningful interaction with her dad. That was all I wanted. So… that’s what I did!

I did my own hair and makeup (along with all of our decorations —> I’ve always been a DIYer, and this was the days BEFORE Pinterest!) and my dad made me my favorite breakfast…yep, you guessed it! FRENCH TOAST!

I literally remember sitting at our kitchen table eating it like it was yesterday (although it’s almost 16 years ago!) It was a memory that I’ll always cherish. Not rushing, enjoying the last few moments of “still being a kid at my parent’s house eating a meal cooked with so much love”.

(I wish I could find the photos of breakfast that morning. But since our house fire, all of my photos are “lost”).

Gathered In The Kitchen Wedding

Yes, my dress had red. We got married 8 days before Christmas and I went all out! I would still pick my Dres again today. No questions asked.

Gathered In The Kitchen Wedding
Gathered In The Kitchen Wedding

So… that brings me back to this morning. Breakfast for my daughter! Shall I show you how to make a breakfast dish that oozes with love? Let’s go!


  • eggs – When I personally buy store-bought eggs, I always buy brown eggs that are free-range. However, growing up, my parents always bought white jumbo eggs. Either will work fine
  • milk – I always use whole milk…my parents always used 1% or 2%. Again, either is fine
  • vanilla extract – use pure vanilla extract, not the imitation stuff
  • cinnamon – ground cinnamon with a shaker top lid
  • bread – any ol’ bread will do. We always use white sandwich bread

Let’s Make It Together!

I started off with some farm-fresh eggs!… our eggs from our backyard chickens! Look at that speckled egg!!! For real, if you have ever considered having chickens, I highly recommend it! I am absolutely in love with our hens! p.s. they have their own Instagram account –> Hobby Farm Chickens (you should follow them!)

French Toast | Gathered In The Kitchen

Combine all of the ingredients into a shallow dish that can easily fit a slice of bread. While I would love to say that I measure everything and can give you exact directions on how to make this…I can’t. This is totally just a pour and mix type recipe.

Essentially it’s 1-2 eggs (the egg I used this morning happened to be a double yolk). A bit of milk (probably around a 1/2 cup), vanilla (about 1-2 tsp) and cinnamon sprinkled in, and on every piece of toast once you flip it in the skillet.

French Toast | Gathered In The Kitchen

Dip each slice of bread in the egg mixture, allow excess to drip off. Cook in a skillet with butter over medium heat. Flip and cook the French toast on both sides until the inside is cooked all of the way through

French TFrench Toast | Gathered In The Kitchen oast | Gathered In The Kitchen -

Serve with melted butter on top of each warm piece of toast!

Stephanie from Gathered In The Kitchen shares her favorite French toast recipe

Serve with your favorite maple syrup. My family loves a local syrup that is made in our town.

Pouring maple syrup on French toast | Gathered In The Kitchen

If you’d like to elevate your French toast to the next level, try this recipe for Brown Sugar French Toast…the crunchy brown sugar exterior is amazing!

Pouring maple syrup on French toast | Gathered In The Kitchen

Yummy deliciousness!! Made with lots and lots of love!!

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Pouring maple syrup on French toast | Gathered In The Kitchen

More Family Recipes

Click on the images below for the recipes!


  1. French toast is ny absolute favorite.

    I love it and love the story if your wedding day.

    I wanted time with my parents too and did my hair and makeup.


    1. Aww! Thanks Cindy! I love that did your own hair and makeup also…and that you wanted time with your parents!

  2. Carolyn Herron says:

    My mom made the same French toast growing as well! So delicious! We also used to put powdered sugar on top of the syrup 😋

    1. Really? Wow!! That is so funny! Isn’t it the best though? I just truly love it!

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