Laughing Coyote's Arrival
A picture book of the arrival of my beautiful little boy, Laughing Coyote.
June 15, 2010 I was at our home (that had sold the day before) with Little Finch in Georgia. Lover Boy was in South Carolina for work, he had been there during the week and would come home on the weekend for the past several weeks. (We were in the process of a company transfer). Little Finch and I were in the kitchen eating dinner around 5pm when I started feeling contractions. I called Lover Boy to let him know. We weren’t really concerned though because the baby wasn’t due for another 15 days. We decided that I would just wait it out for a while and see how things went. About two hours later I gave LB another update – still having contractions. LB called our town hospital informing the nurses and asking for their suggestions. They told him that due to the storm lots of women were experiencing contractions as well and so I shouldn’t come in unless they were really really strong or my water broke. The night progressed and the contractions continued. Not necessarily getting stronger, but lets face it, I had already had one kid 21 months earlier…I had a hunch that this was the real deal. Around 11pm I told LB that he probably really should come home so he got in the car and started making the 3 hour trek home (mind you the roads are “country roads”…I say that with the thickest possible accent I can muster up).
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12:30am (June 16th) after multiple Facebook update posts I was encouraged to get to the hospital. I loaded 21 month old Little Finch into the car in the rain and started making my 7 mile drive to town on our curvy country roads (so dramatic, huh? 🙂 ) I had actually called the hospital before to let them know that I was on my way…hinting for them to meet me at the door. To my dismay there was no one waiting for me with a wheelchair like I had fabricated in my mind. In fact, the closest parking spot was at the very back of the parking lot! Just my luck. However, being the tough cookie that I am (I owe all credit to my Cross Country & Track days) I pulled Little Finch out of the carseat and grabbed my bag. In the rain I walked her and I up to the hospital…still no one. Walked to the middle of the hospital to the elevator that goes to the Labor/Delivery floor. Finally after getting off of the elevator I finally see someone! The nurse asks me “can I help you?” I respond with “um, I’m in labor.” She looked at me like I was crazy. After all here I was carrying a kid and a bag and was just able to make it onto the Labor floor by myself. I explained to her that my husband was on his way from SC and would hopefully be here within the next couple hours (it was raining his whole drive too). The nurse set Little Finch and I up in a triage room and did all of their really exciting prods and pokes to see how far along I was. Little Finch snuggled with me in the hospital bed and was a perfect angel. All of the staff were so impressed. Finally around 3am LB arrived. The nurse had told us that I could go home if I would like because I hadn’t made a huge jump in progress since arriving. I vetoed that quickly. Again, I knew I was in labor. About an hour later they moved me into a delivery room because things were a changin’!
(Side Note – Why Little Finch was with us the whole time: Both mine and Lover Boy’s families live in Illinois, 950 miles away from us. Being 15 days away from my due date we really weren’t expecting to need anyone there two weeks prior. AND the two families that I would have trusted Little Finch going to in Georgia were both out of town – 1 on their house hunting trip (they were being relocated as well), the other on vacation). So…needless to say I was out of options).

It’s so hard to believe that one year has already gone by. My love for Laughing Coyote grows each and every day. He is my pride and joy.

I love you baby boy!!

This is such a great post! You were amazing through the whole process of getting there I would have been a wreck! 🙂 We do not have children yet but I will have to remember to document all of these things when it is time. Thanks for sharing!