Easy Outdoor Fall Porch Decor

Beautiful and easy outdoor fall porch decor that everyone will love! 

I absolutely love admiring outdoor spaces decorated for the holidays or different seasons. A few little items thrown out on a porch always make it more inviting – just a like a wreath! Every door in my opinion needs a wreath!!

My BFF is the master of porch decorating. If you’ve been reading for a while, then you’re familiar with her Christmas winter porch from last year. She is a decorating and layering genius. She has such a knack for putting items together and making them look amazing!

Easy Outdoor Fall Porch Decor

Putting these photos together has me feeling all of the feels…of super sadness! While we are getting ready to move almost 1,000 miles away from the bestest friend a girl could ask for, I’m struggling with the reality of how life is going to change. I honestly have a huge hole in my heart and pit in my stomach about not doing every day life with Kristin and her awesome kids and hubby. Like it sucks and I can’t even comprehend the reality of things that are going on. My hope is that all of you, at some point in your life, can have a friend that you really just love this much and that you can really cherish that friendship because it’s special. And…because I know you all love her amazing decor, I’m honestly going to have to fly down every season to photograph her porch for all of you! …and to get my own Kristin fix!

Gosh…enough of the sap! But thanks for letting me spill my guts. Lets just get to the photos and we can all drool over how amazing she is!

Easy Outdoor Fall Porch DecorEasy Outdoor Fall Porch Decor

Best Farmhouse Decor Under $20

Easy Outdoor Fall Porch DecorEasy Outdoor Fall Porch Decor
Easy Outdoor Fall Porch Decor

Easy Outdoor Fall Porch DecorEasy Outdoor Fall Porch DecorEasy Outdoor Fall Porch DecorEasy Outdoor Fall Porch DecorEasy Outdoor Fall Porch Decor

Easy Outdoor Fall Porch Decor

Isn’t it just amazing?? I mean really, this is an outdoor porch mind you! My house doesn’t even look this good! She really has a talent and you all need to help me share it with the world! Go PINNING HAPPY and share all of these photos!

…and here’s a little sneak peek at her Christmas winter porch for this year! (yes, I already begged her to let me do a photo shoot so she set it all up for me!

Farmhouse front porch winter decor ideas with pillows, glass candle holders and more

More Outdoor Decorating Ideas

I’ve also teamed up with some of my amazing blogging friends to share these great outdoor project ideas with you for fall! Check them out!

Living Wall Decor

This Dear Casa-DIY-Living-Gallery-Wall.jpg

Marie from This Dear Casa is sharing how to create living wall Decor to add some character to your outdoor entertaining area.

Decorating A New Deck

Shop at Blu - new deck

Stop by Shop at Blu where Sue shares how to decorate the perfect outdoor entertaining space on her beautiful new deck.

Outdoor Dinner Party

Sweet Valley Acres

Crystal is sharing her tips on how to throw a fabulous outdoor dinner party over at Sweet Valley Acres.

Fall Porch Decor

Gathered in the Kitchen - Easy Outdoor Fall Porch Decor

Check out this easy and beautiful fall porch decor design from Stephanie at Gathered in the Kitchen.

Love You S’more Serving Tray

Ikorn Crafts-Love You SMore Tray

Get this DIY on this charming S’mores inspired serving tray from Anne at Ikorn Krafts.

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DIY Tabletop Fire Pit

A Loverly Life - DIY Tabletop Fire pit

Perfect for roasting marshmallows or an ambient glow, see how Juliet from A Loverly Life transforms this concrete urn in to a tabletop fire pit.


  1. Oddie Marie King says:

    Hi Stephanie,
    I understand. My Bestie moved to Dallas from Houston. I’m heart is heavy. I was used to seeing her everyday at one time. We were roommates for 4 yrs. I love the pics of Kristin’s porch. I’m looking for new ideas. I recently purchased a Beach cottage in Crystal Beach Texas. You are an inspiration. I look forward to seeing more from you. Thank you Oddie

    1. Hey Oddie!! Aww my heart feels for you friend. Wahhh! It’s such a sad thing that literally hurts your heart. But thank you so much for your sweet comments! You made my day! I can’t wait to see pictures of your beach house! …I’ll have to do a post about Kristin’s beach decor = OMG!!!

  2. Aww my BFF and I are in separate states. First she went away to grad school and stayed a bit longer. Then when she moved home, I moved away! Ugh. Your friend’s porch is amazing! Hope you get back to visit her often. Thanks for sharing & hopping!

  3. Your friend’s porch is so welcoming and warm, during all seasons! It is so tough to leave a friend but I hope you will be able to stay connected with all the various forms of technology. I know not the same but it is so much better than snail mail like I had to contend with when I moved away! Wow really dating myself here.

  4. The porch is amazing and the cat is beautiful! With FaceTime and a phone, you will still remain connected with your friend. Sending you a virtual hug though.

  5. Stephanie, your porch is so charming and looks loverly all dressed up for fall!

  6. Sue at Blu says:

    Oh Stephanie I’m so sorry you will be moving away from your dear friend. I, too, live 1,000 miles away from our family and my childhood friends. Trust me when I say it makes visiting all that more incredible! You will still talk and interact. To grateful for lifelong friends. Thanks for sharing Kristen’s porch. It really is picture perfect. And definitely worth frequent visits!

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