The National Mall: Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, WWII Memorial, Capitol Building


The National Mall is centrally located in Washington D.C. and is 146 acres and houses the Capitol Building, Washington Monument, WWII Memorial and more!  It’s the most visited National Park with monuments and memorials honoring America’s forefathers and heroes.

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It’s Spring Break so we are doing what we love most, traveling and sightseeing as a family! This country is just too amazing to not go explore it! Showing our kiddos natural and historical places and teaching them along the way is so important to us. With that said, we decided to take full advantage of Washington D.C. with the cherry blossoms in bloom and all of the free attractions! We visited Washington D.C. 7 years ago with a 2 year old and a 3.5 month old, so this time was a lot different with 3 kiddos who are much older and can walk!

National Mall Washington D.C..2jpg

Day one started out with all outdoor attractions. We walked the National Mall and visited the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, WWII Monument and Capitol Building. Because things can be really tricky when visiting I’ll help give some of our tips and tricks we learned along the way.

Getting To The National Mall:

Driving in to Washington D.C. can be a bit tricky because of the high amount of traffic, pedestrians and cyclists. Believe me, it’s a tad scary and people are not afraid to use their horns! So just be prepared.

Parking along the side streets is possible, if you get lucky! There are parking meters where you can pay at the machine or via your phone if you download the app. You most definitely need to pay attention to the signs where you park because many areas have funky parking hours. ie: many streets do not allow parking from 4pm-6:30pm because of rush hour traffic. You also have to be careful because many areas do not allow parking on particular sides of the street because those are reserved for government officials (but you have to look really hard to find the signs!)

Metro Train – I’ll update more on this one later since we’ll be taking this for the remainder of our time here!

Washington Monument:

Washington Monument, Washington D.C.

Washington Monument, Washington D.C

Washington Monument, Washington D.C.

Lincoln Memorial:

Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.


National WWII Monument:

National WWII Monument, Washington D.C.

National WWII Monument, Washington D.C.National WWII Monument, Washington D.C.

Capitol Building:

Capitol Building, Washington D.C.Capitol Building, Washington D.C.Capitol Building, Washington D.C.Capitol Building, Washington D.C.


Beautiful Flowers:

Spring is the perfect time to visit Washington D.C. because of the Cherry Blossoms! There was a gorgeous light pink hue all over the city from the pretty budding trees. There were also tons of gorgeous flowers planted all over!

National Mall Flowers in Spring, Washington D.C.National Mall Flowers in Spring, Washington D.C.

National Mall Flowers in Spring, Washington D.C.National Mall Flowers in Spring, Washington D.C.National Mall Flowers in Spring, Washington D.C.National Mall Flowers in Spring, Washington D.C.National Mall Flowers in Spring, Washington D.C.

National Mall Flowers in Spring, Washington D.C.

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