DIY Farmhouse Tea Towels Using A Silhouette Cameo

Step by step picture and video tutorial using a Silhouette Cameo to make customized farmhouse tea towels with heat transfer vinyl. These beautiful DIY Tea Towels are such an easy and inexpensive way to add farmhouse flair to your kitchen! Perfect for gift giving!

My love language that I express to others is Acts of Service. Ever since I was a little kid I’ve loved to make things for others and or do things for others that are task oriented. As I’ve grown older, my need to  do acts of service has only magnified. I have this obsession for making things, volunteering and doing things for others for every little no-themed occasion. My poor husband knows this all too well -since he’s the only one who makes a paycheck around here and sees what I spend, haha!  — So in true Stephanie fashion, I just “had” to make all of my kids teacher and assistants a gift for Thanksgiving. I plan to pair these stylish farmhouse tea towels with baked homemade loaves of bread that they can share with their families at their holiday meal.

Step by step instructions to making your very own personalized farmhouse tea towels

I really love how these turned out and am hopeful that the teachers will love them just as much!

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grateful thankful blessed farmhouse tea towel

Supplies Needed:

These are the products that I used, I have included easy shopping links for you to reference the items.

Tea Towels

Silhouette Cameo + blade & cutting mat

Black HTV


Parchment Paper

Seam Ripper

FREE Download Design

Silhouette Cameo and Mac laptop sitting on a table

Lets Make It Together!

silhouette studio computer software on the screen of a Mac book pro computer

For this project you will need a computer that has Silhouette Studio software installed and a Silhouette Cameo cutting machine.  I personally have the Cameo 1 – my husband had ordered it for me before it was released way back when…so they look a bit different not with digital screens.

In Silhouette Studio you will create your design. I have included the free download of the design I created at the end of this post. ***Make sure you MIRROR (flip horizontally)your image when you are using HTV (Heat Transfer Vinyl) – I personally only recommend using this brand HTV.

Silhouette Cameo 1 cutting heat transfer vinyl
Silhouette Cameo Tool Kit

Load your cutting mat with your vinyl shiny side down. **I like to use transfer tape to hold my vinyl to the mat when my mat is getting old and not very sticky anymore. 

Weeding Heat Transfer Vinyl (HTV) using Silhouette Cameo Tool Kit
cutting heat transfer vinyl (HTV) using Silhouette Cameo

Once the vinyl is cut you will need to weed the excess vinyl. This tool kit has everything you need!

mainstays flour sack towels 10 pack

Once you’ve weeded out all of your excess this is what you will be left with. Cut off the excess sides if you have any and cut the design away from the rest of the designs.

I purchased my flour sack towels from Walmart but you can also find them here.

ironing a tea towel flour sack cloth
Applying heat transfer vinyl (HTV) to cloth towel using Silhouette Cameo

Unfold them and iron on the cotton setting to remove wrinkles and any moisture in the fabric.

Step by step instructions to making your very own personalized farmhouse tea towels

Place your HTV transfer on top of your tea towel…

removing the plastic film from heat transfer vinyl once applied to a tea towel flour sack cloth

Along with parchment paper and press firmly with your iron for 10 seconds.

ironing heat transfer designs onto a tea towel flour sack cloth

Remove parchment paper and peel off HTV transfer sheet and discard.

grateful thankful blessed tea towels flour sack cloths

Recover the design with the parchment paper and press again with the iron for 45 seconds or until the vinyl is completely adhered to the fabric.

Once you’ve pressed it, you’re done!

Step byThese beautiful DIY Tea Towels are such an easy and inexpensive way to add farmhouse flair to your kitchen! They also make the best gifts! step instructions to making your very own personalized farmhouse tea towels

Enjoy and decorate your own kitchen – or be like me and give them as a gift!

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure here.

YouTube video

Here is my FREE printable!! Download it by clicking on the graphic or by entering your email below:

Step by step instructions to making your very own personalized farmhouse tea towels

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One Comment

  1. Lynn Brewer says:

    I love this tea towel and wanted to make one for my niece. However I have a Cricut and need an SVG file. Tried to convert it to SVG but it has too many layers. Can you tele the font you used so I can create this in Design space on Cricut? Thank you

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