Personalized Holiday Gifts for Grandparents

Grandparents play such a huge role in their grandkids lives by giving them unconditional love and being there for them in various ways (whether it’s in person or over FaceTime calls because they live far away). Often times they have everything they already need so giving gifts can be tricky. That’s why I always resort to personalized gifts that they can cherish for years to come. Here are some of my top ideas that I’ve personally done or have on our list for this year!

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1. Professional Same-Day Print Pictures from Portrait Innovations

This a yearly tradition for my family. My mom loves professional photos (she has rooms full of photos of all of her cute 7 grandkids!) so every year we go and have our photos taken at Portrait Innovations. They specialize in creating a customized experience for each photo session. I love that they have various backgrounds and props and that they print their photos right there for you to take home within a few minutes! They also have lots of personalized gifts like books, tote bags, canvases, and photo greeting cards (for every occasion in life!) etc – all of which we have bought in the past – and used for Mother’s Day and birthday gifts! (triple win!) **Plus the packages are huge and can be given to multiple people! AND there is a CD that comes along with many of the packages which allows for extra sharing!
Tip: Make sure you book your session far in advance especially when around the holidays because they can be very busy!

We’re ahead of the game and already had our photos taken for this years Christmas gift!

9 Personalized Holiday Gifts for Grandparents

2. Picture Frame Collages

Every grandparent loves to show off their beautiful grandchildren and what better way to do so than with a picture frame collage! The best part about this is several pictures can be displayed all in one frame instead of having multiple picture frames all over the place. I absolutely love this one so you can easily change out the photos or add in fun little art projects!

9 Personalized Holiday Gifts for Grandparents

3. Photo Ornaments

Every family has something they collect – spoons, postcards, cups, magnets, etc…for our family it is ornaments! Before Clayton and I got married we started collecting ornaments from places we had traveled together – and all of these years later we have kept the tradition alive! We got married 8 days before Christmas and our wedding favors to all of our guests were beautiful glass poinsettia ornaments. And now that we have kids our tree is filled dight special little treasures from them! My favorite ornaments are the ones with photos, especially if they are from years ago!  These scalloped metal ornaments  are just absolutely adorable! Any grandparent would love these! Plus they don’t break the bank!

9 Personalized Holiday Gifts for Grandparents

4. Photo Pillows

I love throw pillows, like a lot! So much that back in High School I sewed photo pillows for my Cross Country team when we went to state. Rather than make your own take the easy and way more professional looking route with these photo pillows! They are so cute and add such a fun dimension and talking point to every room! …and we all know that grandparents love talking about their grandkids!

9 Personalized Holiday Gifts for Grandparents

5. Personalized Candles

If your kids are like mine, they are always drawing pictures for their grandparents. Why not take those special notes that your kids make and turn them into these precious candles! The step by step tutorial was found on kylzaskorner.blogspot, which unfortunately does not link anymore.

9 Personalized Holiday Gifts for Grandparents

6. Handprint Apron

What grandma doesn’t love baking – and what grandma wouldn’t love her little grandkids’ handprints all over her apron? I just think this would be the sweetest little gift ever! You could easily pair this with a cookbook that Get the tutorial here. These would go great with the cookbooks up next!

9 Personalized Holiday Gifts for Grandparents

7. Personalized Cookbook Binders

My daughter and I have created several of these for my mom over the years. She absolutely loves having a really special place to keep all of her old family recipes. She fill them up and then needs another one! I love them because she will be able to pass these on to me one day and then be to my daughter. Recipes are the best way of remember someone in my book! You can personalize your very own cookbook binder here for a super cheap price!

9 Personalized Holiday Gifts for Grandparents

8. Tea Party or High Tea

This is probably one of my most favorite gifts we’ve given to my mom. Since getting married we’ve always lived very far away from home (1,000 miles) but my mom has always done a really awesome job at being a major presence in my kids lives – and is always so helpful in more ways that I ever give her credit for. So when my daughter was 3 we had traveled back to Chicago for Christmas and surprised my mom with a very special and fancy day! We got al dressed up, rode the commuter train into the city, took a taxi and went to High Tea at one of Chicago’s most beautiful tea rooms. Since it was Christmas everything was decorated so beautiful which of course then made for lots of photo opportunities! It was such a fun and special trip! Since then we’ve continued with special tea parties and fancy cups and teapots.

9 Personalized Holiday Gifts for Grandparents

9. Personalized Wooden Wall/Door Plaques

Grandpas usually have a hobby that they love. For my dad it’s trains. Several years ago I had this wooden sign custom made for him to say “Papa’s Train Room”  that I purchased from a small business owner on Etsy. He loves it and it’s displayed on one of the doors in his basement still!

9 Personalized Holiday Gifts for Grandparents

I’d love to hear from you! What are some of the special gifts you’ve given? Or if you’re a grandparent, what are the most memorable gifts you’ve been given?

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