Pantry Organizer – DIY Foil & More Organizer

Pantry Organizer – DIY Foil & More Organizer

Since we’ve returned from our 11 day trip to Illinois for Christmas, I’ve been in full swing of organizing our home…especially the kitchen. We have plans to pretty much demo it and rebuild to our desires …but that won’t take place for awhile, so I’ve been trying to make the space we have more functional.

The sisters over at Shanty-2-Chic  just posted a tutorial for a pantry door organizer for foil, baggies, etc. it came at the perfect time because I was wanting to free up some of my drawer space for kid cups (anyone else feel like their lives are overrun by sippy cups?!?)

This morning I went out to the garage and grabbed some scrap wood and got to work! I changed the dimensions for mine according to my pantry door, plus I added 3″ to the height so I have the flexibility to store a few extra boxes underneath the standing boxes if I have extras.


Sorry that is kind of hard to see. I had 2 cuts at 13″ and 3 cuts at 16″. All were cut from one piece of 1x4x8 piece of whitewood.


Putting my cut pieces together! (please ignore my totally messy counters!)


Once I had it all assembled I took it outside and spray painted. First I used primer and then a really crummy white spray paint that I’ve had just sitting in the garage for years…figured I would try to use it up!


Ta da! Now I didn’t add a back piece on to mine because I didn’t want to take up any more space than necessary because my pantry is already reallly small.



I used these Hollow Door Anchors that I bought at Lowes to attach it to my door – which I had no idea existed before I read Shanty-2-Chic’s tutorial!

door organizer1

I then attached it to my pantry door and filled it up!

pantry organizer2

Because I did not attach a back piece of wood I had to attach little hooks on the back of my organizer to hang on the screws from the Hollow Door Anchors. (confession: I thought I had enough of the little hooks at home so I didn’t buy any when I went to Lowe’s to buy the anchors…wrong. I had several, just the wrong sizes. Because I was so anxious to hang my shelf, I racked my brain to figure out something to use instead to hang it up. POP CAN TABS!!! Yep! That’s right. I attached them to the back of my organizer with screws and then just hung them up by the holes on my anchors! Worked perfectly!!)


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This was so easy to make and was a pretty quick build! I love the fact that I now freed up some drawer space!!

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