Apple Picking 2012

I know that I have so much to update on my sweet blog! Particularly our move, new home, our beyond awesome vacation up to Maine (which there are over 1,200 pictures from, oyi!!), other little side trips, recipes, crafts/creations, you name it…there’s a ton and I’m well…behind. 🙂 One of these days I’ll get it done!

Anyway, in the meantime I thought I’d upload the pictures from our Apple Picking adventure in the North Carolina mountains…if you’ve been reading my blog for a while now you know that this is where we’ve now gone for the past 3 years! I just absolutely love the fact that we’ve made it our own family tradition! (if we ever move out of the South, I think we’ll have to fly or drive back every year!! 🙂 ) (*my blog profile picture was taken at the orchard last year!)

You can read about our other apple adventures HERE

Justus Orchard in Hendersonville, NC – North Carolina is the 7th largest apple-producing state in the nation and Henderson County is the largest apple-producing county in North Carolina and grows 65 percent of the apples in the state

Heading to the orchards

1st bite of the season

After awhile of picking, we were all hungry so we headed up to the barn and bought these DELICIOUS homemade apple donuts!

Isn’t it just beautiful there!

My boys

1st try 🙂 The beginning of several family photos…I bring my tripod every year, my family loves it! hahaha

* my loves *

2nd try, pretty successful!

try # 54 – love it because of Laughing Coyote’s smile…that kid!

Story of my life. Sweet, girly little princess…and in the dirt discovering everything little boy! 🙂

My now 4 year old beauty! (poor girl had woken up with a tummy ache but insisted that she was OK to still go. So we were 40 miles away from home when all of a sudden she starts throwing up all over her carseat and outfit (which by the way matched all of us)…yay! So we had to pull over and went to Wal-Mart to get a new outfit. The best I could find was this funeral appropriate lace outfit 🙁

I just love this picture and the next several ones. Lover Boy did such an amazing job of capturing real life!

and again 🙂

“Reading” off the letters on the sign

Pulling half of the load of apples back to the barn. Such good teamwork!

“whoa” this is heavy!

We ended up picking $54 worth of apples, yep! You read that right. We do it every year…and in all honesty some of them end up going to waste because we get so full of apple! But this year we are planning on baking some goodies for several of our new neighbors!! So hopefully we’ll use all of them up!

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