Pumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream

Pumpkin Spice season is here – and all in the world is right again!

I was asked to go to WBTV Charlotte and make Pumpkin Sundae Pie on live TV! So today that’s just what I did!

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Pumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream

This recipe is so simple and easy that you can be chowing down in no time! 

Pumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream

Scoop up pumpkin and vanilla ice cream, top with whip cream and crushed vanilla wafers and you’re ready for a sweet treat!

Pumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream

Pumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream

Top with mini chocolate chips if you like!

Pumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream

You can watch my live TV segment here:

| WBTV Charlotte

Pumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream
Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Stephanie – Gathered In The Kitchen
  • ngredients:
  • 1 Pint Pumpkin ice cream
  • 2 Pint Vanilla ice cream
  • Whipped topping
  • Vanilla wafers, crumbled
  • Pumpkin spice seasoning
  • Mini Chocolate Chips
  1. Directions:
  2. Place a scoop of Pumpkin ice cream and a scoop of the Vanilla ice cream into serving dishes.
  3. Top your ice cream with whipped topping and the crumbled vanilla wafers.
  4. Add a dash or two of pumpkin spice and chocolate chips to taste.


Pumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream

Behind The Scenes

Pumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream

At the news station! This is my view looking out from the kitchen

Pumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream

Here is the kitchen that I cooked in on live TV!

Pumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream

Another view looking out from the kitchenPumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream Pumpkin Sundae Pie Ice Cream

The anchors!

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Being asked to do these live TV cooking segments is so cool! It’s nothing like I would have expected in real life but is totally amazing at the same time! I can honestly say that I never would have thought that I would have enough guts to get on live TV (man can I remember the times throughout school having to give a speech – I would practically die, like literally) but it’s actually really fun and surprisingly I haven’t gotten nervous for an on air set yet!

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Pumpkin Sundae Pie - so so so good!

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One Comment

  1. Where can we see the video? You’re famous!

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