Easy Homemade Over The Hill Birthday Cake Recipe
My baby turned 10 this past week … and I’ve been crying ever since, hence why I haven’t written a blog post in a while.

I’m kind of kidding … and kind of not. In fact, I’ve been running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off trying to get 1979343847 things done that all fall into the “mom” role.
It’s funny, so many people think that stay-at-home moms must just sit around eating bonbons watching soap operas all day long. HA! That couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s funny, the more that you are “available” or home, the more stuff you have thrown at you that you need to do.
I’ve never been so busy running from here to there, to here to there in my life! Now that my kids are all in the double digits (wahhhh) they have lives!!! Lives that require me to be even more flexible than when they were little.
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Between school, sports practice and games (for 2 boys!), going to the farm for the horse – lessons, chore days, and shows, and kids forgetting things at home that need to be brought to school, black baseball pants that need to be bought, supplies needed for house projects, girls that need dresses for 8th grade graduation…blah blah blah…the list goes on! All of which don’t include going grocery shopping, making dinner, cleaning my house!!! — and most importantly, time for cleaning out my minivan!
Don’t get me started on my minivan. Holy moly! That thing is like a hoarder’s house on wheels! The only thing it’s missing is a warm blanket for the chili nights of baseball games (excuse me while I go grab one!)
Anyway, this is all just life of a mom. Sure it’s stressful at times. Sure I get crabby from time to time. But…at the end of the day, this is exactly what I signed up for and I wouldn’t change it!
I know that these days are numbered and that I will probably go into a deep depression when my kids don’t need me this way anymore. I can’t even imagine what my life will look like when I’m an empty nester.
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ANYWAY…as I mentioned before, my baby turned 10. TEN!! I truly can’t believe that he is already 10! It feels like yesterday I announced I was expecting baby #3! (I had 3 kids 4 years old and under!) and telling about the The Tale of My Pregnancies. Time sure is a thief!…and this ol’ blog is old!! 🙂
The morning of our son’s birthday, my husband was telling him that for his 10th birthday he wanted an Over The Hill cake. He said that a lot of his parent’s friends had turned 40 around the time he was 10 and that was how they celebrated…so he felt it was necessary for hitting the double digits! (he is such an old soul!!!)
So on the way to school that morning, my son told me he wanted an Over The Hill cake. Ahhh, no biggie 😂. I had about 45 minutes during the day that I could dedicate to caking making, so I pulled out my magical mom card and got busy!…and it made for one happy 10 year old boy!

- 3 box cake mixes + ingredients listed on the box (oil, water, eggs)
- 3 cans frosting
- sprinkles
- For the base cake, I used a very large round pan that was handed down to me from my husband’s grandmother who used to make wedding cakes. I would suggest using a 14″ round pan
- For the “hill” cake, I used a round soccer ball pan that I had from previous cakes. This is the soccer ball pan I used

Step-by-step guide for making Over the Hill cake at home
- Preparing the cake batter:
- Follow the instructions on the cake mix box or use your favorite cake recipe to prepare the batter.
- Grease the pans generously with Crisco.
- Divide the batter evenly between the 14″ round pan and the soccer ball pan.
- Baking the cakes:
- Preheat your oven to the temperature specified in your cake recipe or on the cake mix box.
- Place both pans in the oven and bake according to the recommended time and temperature for your recipe. Keep an eye on them and use a toothpick to check for doneness.
- Assembling the bottom cake:
- Allow cakes to cool completely
- Remove each cake from the pan. Using a serrated knife, cut off the “bloom” that formed no the top of the cake while baking.
- Place the 14″ round cake on a piece of parchment paper and frost with your favorite frosting. I used chocolate. This is called your “crumb coat”. This helps seal in any loose crumbs and creates a smooth surface for the final layer of frosting.
- Place the 14″ round cake on the cake board or serving platter, which will serve as the base of the cake – I flipped my 14″ round pan upside down and covered it with aluminum foil

4. Assembling the “hill”:
- Remove the cake from the soccer ball and cut off the “bloom” with a serrated knife.
- Place the cake right side up on the 14″ round and apply a thin layer of frosting over the cake (crumb coat)
- Once the crumb coat is applied, let it set for a few minutes. Then, pipe the green grass frosting on using a piping bag and a #19 or #32 cake tip.

Final touches:
- I chose to decorate my cake with a colorful path crossing over the hill. I achieved this look by applying white frosting and then adding a ton of sprinkles.
- Don’t forget the candles!

Easy Homemade Over The Hill Birthday Cake Recipe
- 1 soccer ball cake pan this is the hill
- 1 14" round cake pan this is the base
- 3 boxes cake mix
- ingredients on the box for each cake (oil, water, eggs)
- 3 cans frosting
- 1 jar sprinkles
Preparing the cake batter:
- Follow the instructions on the cake mix box or use your favorite cake recipe to prepare the batter.Grease the pans generously with Crisco. Divide the batter evenly between the 14″ round pan and the soccer ball pan.
Baking the cakes:
- Preheat your oven to the temperature specified in your cake recipe or on the cake mix box.
- Place both pans in the oven and bake according to the recommended time and temperature for your recipe. Keep an eye on them and use a toothpick to check for doneness.
Assembling the bottom cake:
- Remove each cake from the pan. Using a serrated knife, cut off the “bloom” that formed no the top of the cake while baking.
- Place the 14″ round cake on a piece of parchment paper and frost with your favorite frosting. I used chocolate. This is called your “crumb coat”. This helps seal in any loose crumbs and creates a smooth surface for the final layer of frosting.
- Place the 14″ round cake on the cake board or serving platter, which will serve as the base of the cake – I flipped my 14″ round pan upside down and covered it with aluminum foil
Assembling the “hill”:
- Remove the cake from the soccer ball and cut off the “bloom” with a serrated knife.
- Place the cake right side up on the 14″ round and apply a thin layer of frosting over the cake (crumb coat)
- Once the crumb coat is applied, let it set for a few minutes. Then, pipe the green grass frosting on using a piping bag and a #19 or #32 cake tip.

That is absolutely hysterical!! And old soul indeed…happy belated birthday!!