Ladybug Cupcakes

We’ve had my family here all week from Illinois celebrating lots of special birthdays!

All of us headed to Little Finch’s preschool to celebrate with her and her classmates. Their classroom mascot is a ladybug so I decided to stick with the theme and incorporate it into the cupcakes I made.


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Grass Wilton Cake Decorating Tip #24
Wilton Leaf Green Color
Pillsbury Vanilla Frosting
Pillsbury Chocolate Cake
Ladybug Cherry Slices (gummy)
Black Sparkle Gel Frosting


  • Bake cupcakes according to box directions and let cool
  • In the same container as the frosting add in however much coloring you want. Tip: I always use my hand held mixer with just one beater in it. Stick it in the can of frosting and beat for about one minute until all of the frosting is equally colored
  • Fill cake decorating bag and pipe out grass. Tip: If the frosting starts to get too warm and is coming out of the bag too quickly stick it in the freezer for 1-2 minutes so it can firm up a bit
  • Using kitchen scissors cut the gummy cherry slices to resemble a ladybug
  • Use the sparkle gel and pipe a head and dots on the cherry slice
  • Pipe a small dab of gel on bottom of ladybug and place on grass
Ta da!! Super easy yet fun and cute at the same time!
Happy Baking!
*Little Sparrow


  1. Okay, how seriously adorable are those cupcakes. What a great mommy.

  2. oh i love those little ladybugs!!!! 🙂 so creative!!

    1. Thanks!! We really did have a good time…kind of hard to swallow thinking that we just celebrated our daughter’s birthday at PRESCHOOL!!…ahhh!!

  3. SimplyLKJ says:

    So cute! My youngest daughter had a ladybug party when she was little.

  4. I’m doing a ladybug theme for my daughter’s fourth birthday this month and have had my eye out for inspiration and ideas. These are too stinkin’ cute!

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