How To Make A Curly Deco Mesh Wreath

This curly deco mesh wreath tutorial will guide you through simple steps to create a beautiful wreath that looks professionally made!

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If you’ve been following along for some time, you know I love to make wreaths! I love burlap bubble wreaths, floral wreaths and curly deco mesh wreaths!

Today we are going to be diving deeper into How To Make A Curly Deco Mesh Wreath! The process is very simple but the end product looks like it was really complicated! Ah, I love wreaths that look way harder than they actually were to make!

Dollar Tree Bunny Wreath - colorful curly deco mesh wreath

Frequently Asked Questions

Before we get started with the full tutorial process, I thought it would be a good idea to address some of the questions that I frequently get. This information will help you make the best wreath possible with the least amount of stress trying to find supplies, etc.

What size deco mesh for wreath?

6 inch wide deco mesh works best for making standard size mesh wreaths. If making a rolled curly deco mesh wreath, cut your pieces of mesh at 8″ long.

Where to buy deco mesh wreath supplies?

Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby and Walmart all offer many different colors of deco mesh, pipe cleaners and wire wreath forms. Supplies can also be purchased online and delivered to your doorstep from Amazon.

How to decorate mesh wreaths?

The options are endless when it comes to decorating mesh wreaths! Aside from the different colored mesh, you can add colored ribbon, floral picks and any holiday related items. Make a wreath for Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day and more!

How to keep deco mesh wreath from fraying?

The easiest way to keep your deco mesh ribbon from fraying is to use a heat cutting tool when cutting the strips of mesh. This will seal the raw edges, ensuring that the ends do not fray.

How to store deco mesh wreaths?

Wreaths can be stored in many different fashions. Storing in a zippered wreath bag, or a plastic wreath container is one option. While placing a plastic garbage bag over the wreath and hanging on a hook in the attic, garage or storage space in another option.

How much do deco mesh wreaths sell for?

If you’re looking at selling your handmade wreaths, it’s best to know how much to charge for them. Deco mesh wreaths typically cost between $35-$175, with the average cost being around $75. Also, do you own research by checking what others are selling their wreaths for on Etsy. Generally speaking, you should charge 3 times what the supplies cost you.

Dollar Tree Bunny Wreath - colorful curly deco mesh wreath
Curly Deco Mesh

Supplies to Make A Deco Mesh Wreath

How To Make Deco Mesh Wreaths Step By Step

Making deco mesh wreaths is fun and easy! However, you don’t all of your hard work to fray! Fraying is a common problem with deco mesh. The very loose weave of the mesh tends to unravel or fray when it is cut. Follow these easy steps for How To Keep Mesh From Fraying.

Step 1:

Cut the deco mesh to 8″ lengths using either the rotary cutter or heat cutting tool

How to make curly deco mesh wreaths

Step 2:

Begin to assemble each curly deco mesh pick. Roll deco mesh strips

How to make curly deco mesh wreaths
How to make curly deco mesh wreaths

Step 3:

Gather two or three rolls

How to make curly deco mesh wreaths

Step 4:

Secure your curly deco mesh rolls by twisting a chenille stem (pipe cleaner) or a wire tie around the middle, keeping the tails facing the back. This helps hold the deco mesh curls in place and prevents unraveling. See optional steps below to add a ribbon to each curly deco mesh pick before securing.

How to make curly deco mesh wreaths

Optional Steps:

If you would like to add a ribbon to each curly deco mesh pick, add a ribbon cut 2″ shorter than the length you cut your deco mesh at. In my case, I used 6″ ribbon lengths for my 8″ deco mesh lengths. BEFORE you add the pipe cleaner in step 5, place the ribbon on top of the deco mesh rolls.

You can also use mesh tubing for wreaths, like I did in my Dollar Tree Witch Hat wreath that adds depth to your picks.

How to make curly deco mesh wreaths

Next, place the pipe cleaner over the top, just as in step 5 and twist to secure together.

How to make curly deco mesh wreaths

Completion of Curly Deco Mesh Picks

Once you’ve completed all of the curly deco mesh picks, it’s time to assemble them on the wire wreath form.

How to make curly deco mesh wreaths

Assembling the Curly Deco Mesh Picks on The Wire Wreath Form

Once your deco mesh picks are ready, start attaching them to the wire wreath form. I used an 18″ wire wreath form, but a 12″ wire wreath form also works well and still creates a beautiful wreath.

Attaching each section properly to the wire wreath form ensures your curly wreath stays full and structured. Secure each pick firmly with chenille stems or a wire tie, and space them evenly around the wreath form. For a balanced look, alternate colors and layer the picks in different directions.

I created a template to show you where to place the picks. The “Xs” mark round one. Come back for a second round “Os” and fill in any gaps! Basically, it’s all about alternating rows. Continue for the entire wreath!

How to make a curly decorative mesh wreath

Fill & Fluff

Assemble your wreath and then hang it on your door or wall. Step back, look to see if you see any gaps. *I always take a photo of the wreath and look at it, because for some reason, you always notice the imperfections in a photo! Fill any gaps by either fluffing or adding more curly deco mesh picks!

Dollar Tree Bunny Wreath - colorful curly deco mesh wreath

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How To Make A Curly Deco Mesh Wreath

More Great Wreath VIDEO Tutorials

If you loved this project, check out my favorite wreath base ideas for different styles!

*Dollar Tree Bunny Wreath tutorial

*Dollar Tree Witch Hat wreath tutorial

*Tulip Wreath Tutorial​

*Grapevine Bunny Wreath Tutorial

*How To Make A Burlap Wreath and Add Wooden Letters

*DIY Fresh Clippings Christmas Wreath Video​


  1. Totally going to try your tutorial!! Thank you!
    How many picks do you normally need to make?

  2. Donna Marie says:

    Love the tulip wreath!!!

  3. Thank you ,you make it look doable. Going to try it today.

  4. Thanks for the step by step info. I’m going to try this

  5. Thanks for the tutorial. It really helped me.

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