Making An Accountability Board | How To Apply Vinyl to Dry Erase Marker Board

Learn to create an effective accountability board by following this step-by-step guide on applying vinyl to a marker board. Perfect for organizing tasks, tracking goals, and increasing productivity, this DIY tutorial will show you how to customize your marker board using vinyl, transforming it into a personalized accountability tool.

Learn to create an effective accountability board by following this step-by-step guide on applying vinyl to a marker board. Perfect for organizing tasks, tracking goals, and increasing productivity, this DIY tutorial will show you how to customize your marker board using vinyl, transforming it into a personalized accountability tool.

I set a goal for 2024 to run 250 days. Not in a row, not fast or long distances. Just run. It doesn’t matter how slow or short the run is, just moving is what my goal is. Because, to be truthful, I know that once I get past the “hard”, uncomfortable part of starting running again, I will automatically start to run faster and longer distances…because I’m competitive in nature by default.

I’ve casually mentioned on this ol’ blog throughout the years that I used to be a long distance runner. Growing up I was very girlie and absolutely refused to play any sports that had balls or that you could get hurt in! hahaha! (well, except basketball in middle school…but I’ll explain that in a minute). My only form of “sports” were ballet, gymnastics and swimming…all of which I literally sucked at! Don’t believe me? Ask my mom! hahaha! I didn’t have the grace like my younger sister.

So while I sucked at all of my attempted sports, the only thing I was good at, and could beat my sister at (ha, I’m such a nice big older sister!) was running. My dad would time us running from the back door of our house to the back of the yard and back. It’s the only thing I was ever good at…and I absolutely loved it!

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Right before 7th grade began, my mom and I attended the back-to-school night. I remember this like it was yesterday. In the gym, there was a table with a yellow sheet of paper that said “cross country sign up”. The only thing I knew about cross country was that it was running and you didn’t have to jump over anything and there were no balls! Win, win in my book!!!

I wrote my name down and told my mom. The very first thing she said to me was “you can’t run!” Oddly, that comment, which she denies to this day ever saying (hahahaha!) was just the fuel I needed. I absolutely proved her wrong and went on to run competitively for 10 years and ran Division I in college.

Running was just fun for me. I honestly never took it too serious…or likely serious enough (I’m sure my coaches would attest to this), but I just liked it. I could have been way better than I ever was, but, well, that’s just not I did. I was good enough accomplishing the goals I did have. (I ran cross country and raced the 1500m, 1600m, 3000m, 3200m, 5k and 10k on the track throughout my years)

When I was younger, before I was married and had kids, I always said that I would never quit running and that I would be the type of person who would be running on a treadmill right after having kids (hahaha, again, little did I know!! 😂). But, I can say, all of these years later, with a 15+ year hiatus of running, I’m finally feeling like it’s something I want to do again. BUT…and there’s a big but, NOT COMPETITIVELY!

I just want to run based off of how I feel at the moment. I don’t want it to be a chore. I just want it to be something that I get to do for ME and enjoy the time I take for myself. So that’s where my 250 days of running goal comes in. It’s not over zealous and it’s not something I should feel guilty about (life as a mom, why do we feel so guilty for taking time for ourselves?!?).

In 2023, my sweet husband bought me a very tiny treadmill for Mother’s Day, that I absolutely love. It’s footprint is super small, it’s light-weight and the fastest mile I can run on it is a 8 minute mile! HAHAHA!!! Exactly what I need! Because if I want to go faster, I can 1. go to the gym that we pay a monthly membership for! 2. run outside!!!!

I began documenting my runs with a selfie photo (so not glamorous, but that’s ok! It’s real life!) on my Instagram stories which I saved to my Instagram bubbles called “Get Fit“. Going forward, I’ve created a new bubble called “Run 2024“. This is where I will document all of my running efforts in 2024! I challenge you to do the same to help hold yourself accountable!

Rather than having to go back and watch my own stories to know what day I was on, I decided to create a marker board that I can write on each time I run and display in my selfie photos! …and that’s what this post is really about, how to create an accountability board!

How To Apply Vinyl to Marker Board

Let’s make it together! If you’re new to working with a Silhouette Cameo, check out this post: How To Cut Vinyl On A Silhouette Cameo | Beginner Tutorial


How To Apply Vinyl to Marker Board tutorial | Gathered In The Kitchen
  1. I created my design using Silhouette Studio, a software provided by Silhouette.
  2. Once the design was ready, I placed my vinyl on the mat and loaded it into my Silhouette Cameo. After selecting the correct settings, I sent the design to be cut.
  3. I then weeded the excess vinyl from the design
  4. Applied a piece of transfer tape on top of the lettering and used a credit card to apply pressure to make sure all of the letters were attached
How To Apply Vinyl to Marker Board tutorial | Gathered In The Kitchen

5. Once the design was transferred to the transfer tape, I removed the design from the white backing paper
6. Make certain that your dry erase marker board is clean and dry. Then align the design on top of the marker board and used the credit card to apply pressure to make sure the design was fully transferred
7. Once the design was fully secured, I pulled back the transfer tape
8. Ta da!

How To Apply Vinyl to Marker Board tutorial | Gathered In The Kitchen

Such an easy peasy craft that will help hold me accountable for my 2024 running goals! I got it made just in time to document day 2 of 2024!! Woot woot! It was such a FUN run!!! An easy, no stress, just listening to what I think is going to be my song of the year, “Wait On You” by Elevation Church & Maverick City. It’s AH-MAZING!!!

How To Apply Vinyl to Marker Board tutorial | Gathered In The Kitchen

Join Me!

Join me this year with a challenge to MOVE. It doesn’t have to be running! It could be simply going for a short walk each day or doing seated chair exercises! There’s no right or wrong, just move! I’d love for you to comment below or tell me over on Instagram what you’re going to do! Set a goal for yourself that is achievable and let’s hold each other accountable!

More Silhouette Projects

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