A Glimpse of Our Green Kitchen
We hosted a Christmas party at our house earlier this week and one of the ladies said I really needed to share photos of my kitchen.
I told her that I sometimes feel embarrassed to share it because 1. It’s still a work in progress 2. That progress happens slowly nowadays (literally, if you’ve ever lived through a DIY project of any kind … you kind of get to a spot where you’re like, “well it’s livable! We can take a break!” …. We sometimes are like that with the kitchen (mainly because we have so many other projects and real life going on!)
After the lightning strike/house fire … and all that ensued with the rebuild, we have been through a lot. And sometimes letting others into that “space” (that we have worked so hard to protect and make safe again) is not always something I want to do.
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But… for my friend who gave me the courage to share… here is our kitchen (a corner of it at least, lol).
It’s no where near complete. I could list all of the things just in this small corner that need to be completed … but for the moment … I’m going to just be proud of what my husband and I have built!
If you swipe through the photos you’ll see…
1. Me 🙂
2. My hubby and I taking out the old kitchen cabinets getting it ready for demo
3. Actual demo
4. More demo 🏠 🔥
5. What this exact corner looked like when our house was turned back over to us…
6. My husband building the kitchen cabinets
7. A photo that resembles resilience, determination, guts, tears, anger, hard work and love.
Sometimes we need those simple reminders of the progress that had been made … and be thankful for it!

Love our kitchen? See where everything is from in this post: Our Victorian Farmhouse Kitchen | Progress Update

P.S…If you love seeing these updates about my house…let me know in the comments! Should I keep posting these updates?
Also…If you want to see more about the house… you can watch this video I shared in Update #18: Hometalk Segment & Video Walk-Through

Yes… THANKS! and please keep us updated on ALL of the “new” projects… as you and your hubby continue to put all of your hard work, time and effort… oh and patience in “bringing back” to life… This (deserving) Old House! I always enjoy reading “what’s next”! A job well done!
Your home is beautiful and you guys have done an unbelievable job putting it all back together after the fire. Keep us posted, I love your updates!