Our Old House in Georgia

As I mentioned in my previous post, I found an old memory card full of great photos. While going through them there were lots of pics from our old house in Georgia. Which has sparked lots of happy and sad memories. I figured I would share a few with you here.

Brief overview: Lover Boy and I moved to GA right out of college from OH. He had accepted a job offer and they relocated us. At first we rented a house that I stayed at 6 weeks. I couldn’t find a job so I headed back to IL to work with my dad to be able to finish paying for our upcoming wedding in December. After our wedding, honeymoon and Christmas we headed back down to GA. In all honesty there was nothing wrong with the house we were renting. It was a 3 bed 2 bath house with a large fenced in yard for the dogs in a nice neighborhood. But for some reason I just wasn’t peachy keen on it. I guess being married, done with school, half way grown-up I felt that we should be living in a house we owned. So we started looking. I swear we looked at every house on the market. The one house that we liked the most we looked at 3 times. It was 12 years old and just needed updating. Nothing too major. Valentine’s day rolled around and Lover Boy surprised me with papers from the offer he had made earlier in the day! I couldn’t have been more surprised!

We moved in a month later. Within one month of being there we had already begun remodeling way too many rooms at once (we learned our lesson from that house – start and finish a project before moving on to the next). It would end up that we would finish remodeling and the house would go up for sale. It sold the day before our son was born (that’s another story for a different post, but I will say this – I’m positive that is why I went into labor 15 days early – while Lover Boy was in SC and Little Finch and I were in GA).

When we sold we were ready to leave. Our bags were packed and we were anxious for the job transfer to SC. However, it was our first house, and with that there are so many emotions attached. We lived there almost four years. Both of our kids came home to that house. We shared many laughs and many tears there. We turned that house into a home. It will always hold a special place in my heart.












































































































Brining Little Finch home from the hospital






















































































Nana and Little Finch coming to greet baby brother


















Bringing Laughing Coyote home from the hospital










The dogs were in heaven with our spacious 2 acres










We did all of the front and side landscaping. These Hydrangeas had hundreds of the most beautiful blooms you had ever seen. The front landscaping pavers and plants we also put in.






































With hundreds of trees we always had a wood burning pile. Once we had a fire that smoldered for 1 week. No joke.











The back yard continued on to where you couldn't even see






































Running through the sprinkler










Our family!










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  1. Rebecca Vander Hamm says:

    What a beautiful family. 🙂

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