Valentine’s Day Felt Heart Garland

I just adore these felt shaped garlands that are showing up all over Pinterest! They are so cute and spruce up a boring area with very little effort!
diy felt heart garland - 2

I just bought this beautiful hutch/china cabinet thingy for $50 bucks off of Craigslist and plan to paint it Light French Gray by Sherwin Williams.

sherwin williams light french gray

But in the meantime I needed to spruce her up with some color! I pulled out various colors of felt and ribbon that I had and got to work just in time for Valentine’s Day!

How to make a valentine's day felt heart swag

It’s super simple!


Supplies Needed:

  1. Various colors of felt
  2. 1 piece of cardstock paper
  3. Ribbon
  4. Pencil
  5. Scissors
  6. Fabric Glue

How to Make a Felt Heart Valentine’s Day Garland

  1. Start with a piece of cardstock paper and fold it in half
  2. Draw half of a heart on the fold
  3. Cut out heart and unfold
  4. Place on top of felt and trace with a pencil (I chose to use a pencil because I didn’t want pen marks to show
  5. Cut out felt hearts
  6. Gently squeeze fabric glue (or hot glue) down the center of the heart
  7. Place the ribbon on top of the glue and let dry
  8. Repeat until desired length is reached
  9. Hang and enjoy!

diy felt heart garland

felt heart swag

This is the perfect craft to let your kiddos help you with! My daughter had fun helping cut out some of the hearts!

After you’re done making your swag you should give my heart burlap wreath a try!

valentine's day burlap bubble wreath

For more Valentine’s Day ideas click HERE!

Happy crafting!

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