Halloween Treats for Kids & Teens

Homemade Halloween treats are a great way to get into the spooky spirit of the season. From cookie witch hats to donut hole acorns, cookie acorns, and coffin pop tarts, all of these fall dessert recipes are without pumpkin!

These treats are perfect for Halloween parties, gatherings, or school events. With just a few ingredients and some creativity, you can make delicious and festive treats that everyone will love.

From cookie witch hats to donut hole acorns, cookie acorns, and coffin pop tarts are a great way to get into the spooky spirit of Halloween with these treats for teens | Gathered In The Kitchen

I have always loved creating yummy treats for my kids that have a Fall/Halloween theme. Nothing scary, just cute! I’ve been making these treats for years and my kids still love them even as teenagers!

01 | Cookie Witch Hats

These adorable cookie witch hats are made with fudge striped cookies, a Hershey Kiss and cookie icing.

These adorable cookie witch hats are made with fudge striped cookies, a Hershey Kiss and cookie icing. Fall Dessert Recipes Without Pumpkin | Gathered In The Kitchen

Cookie witch hats are a fun and easy Halloween treat that can be made with just a few ingredients. These adorable witch hats are made with fudge striped cookies, a Hershey Kiss, and cookie icing. To make them, first pipe a little bit of cookie icing on the bottom/wide part of an unwrapped Hershey’s Kiss. Place the Kiss on the fudge striped cookies upside down on a flat surface. Finally, you use more cookie icing to pipe a small band around the base of the Hershey Kiss to create the hatband or bow.

02 | Acorn Donut Holes

These bite-sized acorn donut holes are made with donut holes, frosting, sprinkles and pretzel sticks.

These bite-sized acorn donut holes are made with donut holes, frosting, sprinkles and pretzel sticks | Gathered In The Kitchen

Acorn donut holes are a fun and festive fall treat that are easy to make with just a few ingredients. These bite-sized treats are made with store-bought donut holes, frosting, sprinkles, and pretzel sticks. To make them, you first frost the top half of each donut hole with chocolate frosting, then dip them in fall sprinkles. Finally, you place a stick pretzel, into the top of the “acorn”. The end result is a cute and delicious snack that is perfect for fall parties, gatherings, or school events. There are many variations of the recipe available, but the basic ingredients and steps remain the same!

03 | Cookie Acorns

Made with a mini vanilla wafers, Hershey Kiss, and cookie icing.

Made with a mini vanilla wafers, Hershey Kiss, and cookie icing | Gathered In The Kitchen

Cookie acorns are a fun and easy fall treat that can be made with just a few ingredients. These cute little acorns are made with mini vanilla wafers, Hershey Kisses, and cookie icing. To make them, first pipe a little bit of cookie icing on the bottom/wide part of an unwrapped Hershey’s Kiss. Then place the bottom/flat side of a mini vanilla wafer on the icing. Finally, you use more cookie icing to pipe a small stem on the top of the Hershey Kiss and place a broken pretzel stick in the icing to create the acorn stem.

04 | Coffin Pop Tarts

Easily made with store-bought pie crust, your favorite flavor of jelly and white cookie icing.

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homemade Coffin PopTarts with store-bought pie crust, jelly and white cookie icing | Gathered In The Kitchen

Coffin pop tarts are a fun and easy Halloween breakfast that can be made with just a few ingredients. These homemade pop tarts are coffin-shaped and can be filled with your favorite flavor of jelly. To make them, you can use store-bought pie crust or make your own. You can then cut the pie crust into coffin shapes and fill them with jelly. After that, you can place the remaining pie crust coffin pieces on top of the jelly and seal the edges with a fork. Bake them in the oven at 350°F for 10-14 minutes. Once they are done, you can decorate them with white cookie icing to create a spooky and fun Halloween breakfast.

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Homemade Halloween Treats for Kids & Teens | Gathered In The Kitchen

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