Personalized Graduation T-Shirt
My girlie just graduated from Preschool. I honestly cannot believe she is ready to go off to Kindergarten. Seriously!! I swear it was just yesterday she was this little…
Like really. It seems like yesterday.
Now she’s so “grown up” that she convinced me to buy her hair spray paint to wear to school!
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Good thing she’s still “cool enough” to wear all of the things I make her! I will probably go into a deep depression and hide under a rock when she no longer wants to wear “my stuff” 🙁
I made her this sweet little graduation cap t-shirt with the letter “T” and her projected high school graduation year date – 2027. I am totally fine with time going by suuuuper slowly until then!Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if when 2027 comes I all of a sudden have the urge to go to college again! ;-p
My beautiful, practically all grown up girlie!
Such a great family photo…haha!
Under her graduation gown she wore MY preschool graduation dress. Yes, my mom saved it!!
Love her so so so much!