March Mantle & Easter Decor

I’m getting so excited that the weather is finally starting to change and that the sun is shining! After living in the south for almost 14 years, I had no idea how much I had adjusted to constant sunshine. Mix covid into gloomy days + the ups and downs in the midwest spring temperatures = ugh! I’m ready for some real warmth, sunshine and color sprouting everywhere!

I’m working on simplifying and purging all at the same time. I guess you can say that in my “old” age and after living through a house fire, I’m realizing that I just want life simplified.

ceramic lamb with greenery behind it

I feel a bit stuck between a Catch 22.
I love decorating and buying the cutest of the cute things…but at the same time, I don’t want to clutter up my attic again nor put the stuff away when it’s time to swap it out! HA!

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Tips For Decorating Simplified

So, what’s a gal to do? If you’ve been following along for my monthly mantles, you will recognize a lot of the same decor. I haven’t changed out the larger items, instead, I’m rotating out the smaller items for each holiday/season. …and that’s OK!

In fact, I encourage you to do the same. Rather than break the bank trying to decorate, here are a few of my tips for decorating simplified:

  1. Reuse what you already have – just change it up! Paint it, add a bow, use it in a different room! There are so many ways to reuse the treasures you already have in your home.
  2. Make it! – Making decor has always been one of my favorite things to do. In fact, I personally prefer to make a lot of my decor, rather than buy it, because then I’m able to have it in exactly the color and size I want it in!
  3. Buy it used! – I honestly was never a fan of thrift shopping until I moved to North Carolina and saw the way that one of my BFFs decorated her home…using vintage and used items! It was amazing and way better than the items I could find at my local home decor stores.
  4. Use neutral colors and decor – Fill the spaces with items that are neutral in color and season; like books, greenery, photo frames. Fill in around those areas with smaller, more colorful and holiday related decor.
  5. Rearrange it to give it a new feel! – Some people are constantly changing around the furniture in their rooms, and some never change it. I’m the latter of the two. I struggle big time with spacial imagining, so I tend to leave things put after they are in place….for forever! Until I force myself to try something new. The simplest trick here is to turn something around! The back side of thing can actually give a whole new look!
  6. A set of fresh eyes – Ask a friend or family member to give you their opinion on your decor, placement, etc. I love having others play around with things and show me what they would do…most of the time, it’s something I would have never thought of! My husband and daughter rock at this! Glad I can pick their brains anytime I want!
March Mantle Decor

I made the Peter Rabbit’s Carrot Patch wood sign and shared a tutorial earlier this week for How To Make Wood Signs!

March Mantle Decor

The ceramic rabbit is from HomeGoods.

How To Make A Wooden Sign

This faux plant is something I’ve had for years and have used it in many different rooms at different times of the year. Remember tip #5? Here’s turning something around at it’s finest! On the other side of this planter are cute little birds, but I liked it turned around this way because it gave it a bit more of a neutral feel (tip #4!)

March Mantle Decor

These little jute rope carrots are from Dollar Tree and my daughter added them to this sign. So cute!

March Mantle Decor
March Mantle Decor

This little ceramic bunny isn’t actually on the mantle (nor the lamb in the first photo)…they are displayed on our nightstands, but I wanted to show it off because my late grandma made (fired the clay mold and painted) this back in 1975. It’s so precious to me!

Easter Decor
Easter Mantle Decor

The real star of the mantle show is our fireplace insert. It’s just gorgeous. One of these days we are going to tackle a project in here that will make this fireplace pop and steal all of the glory! You’ll have to stay tuned!

Facts about the fireplace: Vintage ALDINE fireplace from 1906 made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This is actually not original to the house! The house is much older! In fact, the house had already been standing for 20 years when this fireplace was added. In the process, the entire front of our home was modified.

Vintage ALDINE fireplace from 1906

And…one last photo for the road. I filmed a video for a $300 Instagram giveaway that I did with a couple of my Insta friends and well…because I actually had changed out of my normal sweatshirt and stretchy pants (well, actually, those are my black stretchy pants! hahaha) I figured I needed to take a photo by my mantle for old times sake.

March Mantle Decor

Shop This Photo!

Did you know that some of my photos are shoppable? Yes! Isn’t that so cool? See something you like in one of my photos? Click it and if it’s shoppable it will take you to my Like To Know It account where I have linked the items I’m sharing! Give it a try…click this image below!

wood sign peter rabbit carrot patch

See My Other Mantles!

January Mantle

February Mantle

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