6 Steps To Grow Your Business

The past two weekends I’ve had the awesome privilege of attending 2 business conferences: A Shaklee conference and a Blogging conference. I’ve learned so many great tips and been so inspired that I decided to put together a business growth plan to share with all of you!

Lets break it down a bit and understand these 6 tips a little better:

1) Define Your Why – Why are you doing this? I’ve always heard in Shaklee that your “why” should make you cry. So what is the bare bones, bottom line reason as to why you are doing what you are doing? – maybe you will even find out that it is something you shouldn’t be doing…and that’s OK! It’s all about personal growth.

2) Understand The Business and The Market In Which You Will Sell To – This is really important in my book. You need to know what your business/company is all about. If you don’t know that, then there’s really no guarantee for success. The more you know about your business/company, the more you will believe in your business, and the more you will be able to “sell” it. That is always more important than anything else! With that said, knowing your business will help you figure out who your market is. You need to know WHO you are going to sell your products/services to! Not everyone is right for every single product/service out there. You need to figure out which group is prime for your business/company.

3) Become Visible – Social media and word of mouth is everything! People want and need to see you! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc has become crucial in today’s society. Think about it, what’s the first thing you do when you meet someone new? First thing you do when you like a business or company? You like them on Facebook of course!! …and then what is the next thing you do? You tell everyone you know how much you love that company/product! Hence the word of mouth visibility!! Be a good, honorable business owner. Treat your customers with respect…because that word of mouth visibility can also come back and bite you if you are not.

4) Plan To Make Money – This sounds like a no brainer, but often times we get so consumed in the aspects of reaching our audience, and even investing our own money into our businesses that we forget all about how to bring money in! It’s easy to justify the “I need this for my business” reasons but at the end of the day we need to be smart – invest smart, plan smart and follow through! It’s best to have a plan on paper on how exactly it is you are going to make money. Sponsorships from companies, ad space advertising, email mailings, and even reviews. Whether you’re the one reviewing the product for someone else or they are the one reviewing a product for you, either way there is a potential to make a sale!

5) Build Your Contact List – Who do you know? Who do they know? There are over 7 billion people in this world and the average American person knows 600 people* Reach out to those you know first, tell them about your business/product, get them interested. Then move forward asking them to help you spread the word about your business. This is a great time to offer a reward or gift to those who do help advertise for you. Think of how great your business could be if just a fraction of those 600 people shared about your business!

6) Make Yourself Duplicatable – Everything you do should be able to be repeated, easily. Don’t work yourself to death. Have a trial and error period. See what works and what doesn’t work. Learn from your experiences and build upon “what works” by making it better and better. Take your best practices and teach others how to do it for you! You will get to a point in your business that the smaller, more tedious tasks take up so much of your time that it’s better to divert them to others so that you can work on bigger and better tasks.

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If you have found these tips helpful please check out  my other business training tips and video tutorials!

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*statistics from NYtimes.com


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