Vegan Week Wrap Up

Our week of eating Vegan has come to an end in terms of the week long challenge, however, I am bound and determined to keep implementing and serving vegan style meals.

These are just a few of the pros and cons from the week:

We went Vegan cold turkey, no easing into it so after day 3 I was starting to crave cheese!! (so I caved and bought Veggie cheese on day 5) It was such a fun, quirky, bonding experience between Lover Boy and I. We are both so happy that we accomplished this small feat together (sounds corny, but it’s 100% true)
I had to meal plan – something I do not do. This was actually a really big challenge for me. I had to think outside of the box when making meals – woo hoo!! Fighting off Alzheimer’s/Dementia
We eliminated all processed foods, everything and anything that had egg or milk – ie: Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies (yum!!), Cheese Its, etc (after really evaluating our normal diets we really eat a ton of cheese every day!) We ate so healthy! Fruits and veggies were obviously the main focus on our meals (which they never ever are) . This is something we are totally going to keep doing!
 Our bowels really got a workout! Although I still crave my sweets I have a whole new outlook on them and not binge eating them anymore. Also , I am substituting egg whenever possible (particularly when baking)  *I have brownies in the oven right now with applesauce instead of eggs!
We are going to eliminate eating at fast food restaurants (unless totally unable to avoid when traveling)
Being more aware of where our meat, eggs, dairy come from (since being in SC we buy local milk from SW Schumpert’s dairy farm, we’ve seen the cows, etc and like their process and their milk is to die for!…and I don’t like milk!)
 Our bowels really got a workout! 🙂

Again, although the week is over we are still going to be eating many vegan meals…who knows, maybe one day we’ll be able to go totally vegan. I am so happy we did this and are making a conscious effort and commitment to being healthier by what we nourish our bodies with.

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I found this quote yesterday, it couldn’t be more true: “Your stomach shouldn’t be a waste basket” –

In case you missed any of my daily posts & recipes you can catch up here:

Day 1

Day 2 * Day 3 * Day 4 * Day 5 *Day 6 * Day 7

Also, if you haven’t already come join me on Facebook! I’d love to have you part of my “kitchen” friends!

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  1. Wow ,it sounds like this has had a good impact on your life. I am not sure I could cut all of that out of my diet. Good for you!:)

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