Shish Kabobs on the Grill
One of the things I love most about living in the South is the plethera of fresh farm stands all over the place! They are open almost 9 months a year and always offer awesome produce that is in season. I will admit though that I do not buy the real Southern-y veggies like collards and such only because I don’t like them. But everything else there is always fair game!
Today the kids and I went to a farm stand close to our house. We bought ferns and these veggies:

I loooove their bright colors! It’s like framed art to me!

I also had some leftover veggies in the fridge so I decided to make Shish Kabobs for dinner. I remember the very first time I had a Kabob. My mom bought pre-made ones from the grocery store and I thought I had died and gone to Heaven when I ate it…probably for several different reasons: 1) it was something new to eat…not one of the staple recipes that my mom always made 2) I’m obsessed with veggies, like totally. I love them cooked, grilled, raw, you name it (well not cooked with ham hocks, gag!) So this was totally up my alley! I have no idea why, but that was the first and last time my mom ever bought/made Shish Kabobs. Tragic.
Once Lover Boy and I got married we started making Kabobs a couple of time a year. It was a great way to use up veggies and a way for me to have a primarily veggie meal. (I am the odd one out at my house. Lover Boy wants meat, meat, meat…and potatoes. Little Finch wants noodles, fruit, chocolate, noodles, fruit, chocolate. She wants nothing to do with veggies unless I sneak them into recipes like these ones for cookies and muffins.) We bought a fancy smancy kabob holder thing-a-ma-gig for the grill a couple of years ago, but I usually only end up using the skewers. Like so…
Want to see how I made them?
” />Start by:
-heating the grill to about 350 degrees
-cook a couple of servings of rice on the stove

After I assumed my mommy duties and held Laughing Coyote (which made him stop crying instantly) we proceeded with devouring dinner. It was sooo good!
What do you guys like to put on your kabobs?
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*Little Sparrow