Breakfast Potato Bowls

I’ve never been the biggest breakfast fan. From Elementary School through College I did fine skipping this meal. However, once Lover Boy re-entered my life in College that changed. To help pay for school (and well lets face it, anything I wanted as well) he worked as a Supervisor at UPS on the night shift. He would get off between 5-6am every day, so sometimes Harley (this was one of the many things I conned him into buying…and then Bella 10 months later) and I would meet him at Cafe Marie’s or Bob Evans. (Cafe Marie’s is a locally owned breakfast cafe in Toledo, OH. To this day it remains our favorite breakfast joint!) (yes, Harley stayed in the car).

After graduating and getting married, Lover Boy always made  big Saturday and Sunday breakfasts. The concoctions he would come up with were something that I never would have made in 1,000 years. He made omelets, skillets, bakes, you name it. They all tasted fantastic!

Since I’ve begun cooking (a mere matter of months ago) I’ve tried my hand at new breakfast creations myself. Yesterday before church I created this Breakfast Potato Bowl, and I must say, it was really good!











Here we go!

-Turn your oven to 400 degrees

-Place potatoes in microwave just to soften then up a bit, it will help when you scoop out the insides

Cut potatoes in half
Scoop out middles (I didn't nuke it was really hard getting out the centers, next time!)
Place in an oven safe dish, put an egg in each potato (it's ok if it runs over) and season with S&P
Add diced green onions and fresh spinach leaves
Then add diced fresh tomatoes and green peppers
And of course...CHEESE!!!! (Now bacon would have been divine here, but I didn't have any)
Bake in oven until the egg is cooked (about 20-25 min)
Plate it up and serve with a dollop of sour cream!





















































































Hope you enjoy this new take on breakfast! Let me know if you give it a try!


*Little Sparrow

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  1. Rebecca Vander Hamm says:

    Mmmm. These look good! I want one right now!! I should do a breakfast dinner one night this week and make these as part of the meal.
    p.s. Thank you for putting the oven temp at the beginning. 🙂

  2. Sarah Marie McLean says:

    That looks absolutely delicious – and so fresh! Yummy, my hubby would be happy if I made that 🙂

  3. These look so good! We’d eat this as a supper instead of a breakfast. I have all of the ingredients and just may try this one night next week.

  4. This looks yummy — we love big breakfasts on Saturday am, so we’ll have to try this!

  5. Amanda @ Serenity Now says:

    These look so, sooooo good! Potatoes, cheese, eggs…what’s not to love? 😉 I featured this post today. 🙂

  6. My Beautiful Life says:

    Nice to have a guy who loves to cook! These look amazing! I will be making these this week. I never have bacon around when I need it, but I will make sure to pick some up.

    P.S. We used to do a breakfast date every saturday morning at Bob Evans. We love that place. It was always so much quieter than cracker barrel.

    P.S.S. Aren’t you glad those UPS days are over?!


  7. This looks so yummy. I have bookmarked your recipe to try next week. I was looking for more exciting recipes to try for breakfast that are easy 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

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