My “20’s” Decade

I mentioned earlier that I just celebrated my 29th birthday. Back over the summer when Lover Boy had turned 30, I will admit I was starting to feel a little old. But I’ve had 3 months to adjust and no longer feel that way. In fact, I feel completely opposite! I’ve been thinking about all of the awesome, life changing things Lover Boy and I have done/accomplished in this decade that it’s got me so excited for the next 10 years! I feel so blessed that he and I have been able to share so many wonderful years together!  (and yes, I do realize I still have one full year left in my 20’s decade!) 🙂

20 – We brought home Harley

21We got engaged

21 – We brought home Bella Rose

22 – We graduated College from The University of Toledo, Ohio


We moved to Dublin, Georgia after graduation for Lover Boy’s job

23We got married

I started working at my first job

23 – We brought home Lovie

23We bought our first house

24 – Little Finch was born

I “retired” from working and became a full-time stay at home mommy!!! 🙂

26Laughing Coyote was born

We sold our Georgia home and moved to Lexington, South Carolina

26We bought our second home

We sold our South Carolina home and moved to Denver, North Carolina

28 – We bought our third home

28We lost our sweet sweet Bella Rose

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29 – Will deliver baby #3 in May!! (I know the picture is upside down, but it’s much easier to see the baby this way!)



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  1. Wow, not that’s a jam packed ten years! And all good things! 🙂

  2. Wow, now that’s a jam packed ten years! And all good things! 🙂

  3. Yeah! Congratulations Stephanie- what a great 9 years you have had 🙂 When in May? Maybe baby and I will share a birthday!

    1. Thanks Linz! There’s a good possibility!!! May 29-30th…although, they think I’ll go early since I’ve gone early with the other two!

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