Harley Road Trip
Lover Boy’s birthday is obviously in the summer. He and his family used to go on 2-3 week long family vacations every year during the summer. His birthday was usually spent on the road in the passenger seat of the sidecar while his dad drove his Harley Davidson motorcycle. He has been to 49 states on the bike as well as a good portion of Canada.
One of the reasons I liked him when I was 16 years old was that he grew up on a motorcycle. OK that sounds kind of odd but here are my explainations:
1. My parents have been to 48 states on their motorcycle (however, my dad quit riding 25 years ago…the night my sister was born. He wasn’t home to drive my mom to the hospital. All in all that lead him to the conclusion that he had bigger responsibilities now). My dad still has his bike sitting in their garage. He just can’t part with it! 🙂 **My dad is my hero so anything he does/did I planned on my future husband doing/having to do as well 🙂
2. Lover Boy said he wanted a bike and I found that energizing, daring, adventurous…maybe even a hint of “bad boyish”. When you’re 16 things like that are thrilling!
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3. I always pictured that I would ride on/drive one, so you know, him wanting one made me feel like my dreams (well OK maybe that’s a little too far), desires, would come true.
All of this = my prince charming! Like I said, I was 16!! No wonder our relationship only lasted 35 days (I was very immature apparently…or so he likes to claim).
However, three years later when I was the ripe old age of 19 (and much more mature, ha!) we got back together (for good). At first I was a screw loose. I couldn’t make up my mind if I “really” wanted to be back together. Mainly because I knew he’d be the last guy I ever dated, the one I would marry. At 19 that kind of seems like you are giving up a lot of fun! (I sound really classy, huh?) Anyway, to help me during that time to realize that I did want to be with him was…are you ready?…he still wanted a motorcycle. And I pictured us having lots of fun traveling around the country! So I bit the bullet and signed off on the “taken list”. (more on our love story here)
When I was 20, he 21, we brought home our first baby, Harley (the only suitable name), our Weimaraner. A little less than a year later came Bella Rose our Boxer. They say that dogs shouldn’t run your lives, but ours do. Well at least they did back before the real human children of ours were born! We had decided then not to get a bike because where would the dogs ride?!?! Pathetic, I know! Now 8 years later he still doesn’t have a motorcycle, although we have looked at dozens. We have however, traveled and traveled and traveled together…by car! 🙂 and have had just as much fun.
Anyway, back to the point of the story…wait, I’m not sure if there is one! Oh well. Lover Boy’s dad drove down on his Harley and LB rented one. They went off for the weekend cruising up the Atlantic Coast.
I told LB that the one and only stipulation of him going on this trip was that he HAD to take pictures – one being of him and his dad…and that I didn’t care who he had to ask to take it! He insisted that they would look gay and what not asking people to take pictures of them. I simply said “who cares!” (I’m such a kind and loving wife aren’t I?!?)
They got back last night…here are the photos they captured. (Disclaimer to Law Enforcement – I was not responsible for taking any of these photos. Arrest them! Not me!! 😉 )
I’m so glad that they were able to have this father-son bonding time. Being older and moved away makes it sometimes difficult to get that quality time. I hope that one day LB and Laughing Coyote will embark on trips like this duo did.
Here’s to many more riding trips for the “boys!” (as Little Finch calls them!) (who by the way is still sleeping at 10:48am after jabbing to Grandpa all night long! She had so much fun!)
*Little Sparrow