4,000+ Mile Road Trip: Day 5 – Castle Craig, CT

Welcome back! If you’ve been following along on our really long road trip then you’re most likely been up to date on our adventure. if not, you can catch up on our 16 day, 4,000+ mile road trip here!

After leaving New York City we headed north and arrived in Connecticut as a halfway point to where we were headed in Canada.

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We were in Connecticut for 4 days while Clayton worked a bit, so we enjoyed a slower paced break in our 16 day road trip. Although we stayed busy easy day exploring Connecticut and Rhode Island, it was nice to come back to the same hotel each night and not have to pack up and hit the road.

Castle Craig, Meriden, Connecticut

Castle Craig, Meridien, Connecticut

Located at Peak Dr, Meriden, CT 06451 at Hubbard Park, 999 West Main St. Meriden, CT 06451

The kids and I headed out from our hotel early our first morning in Connecticut, which was day 5 on the road, and went to check out Castle Craig Tower, a stone observation tower overlooking Hubbard Park’s 1,800 acres filled with hiking trails and picnic areas.

Castle Craig, Meriden, Connecticut

It was pretty confusing to get to the park because there are two different addresses that show in Apple Maps. Unfortunately, the route I selected lead me to an entrance that was gated off and I could not enter. So we had to drive around to the entire other side of the park to enter, but it was worth it because we saw wild turkeys in someone’s yard!

Wild Turkeys in Connecticut

Although the drive was longer than expected and a bit frustrating, the views were worth the wait. We entered in at Hubbard Park and then drove up a very windy and narrow road to the top of the mountain where the Castle Craig resides.

Castle Craig, Meriden, ConnecticutCastle Craig, Meriden, Connecticut

You enter at the base and then climb up a metal staircase to the observation deck. From there it is said that when looking south one can observe Long Island Sound and on a clear day, the outline of Long Island itself. To the north, Southern Massachusetts Berkshire Hills come into view. Castle Craig, Meriden, ConnecticutCastle Craig, Meriden, Connecticut

Castle Craig, Meriden, Connecticut

Castle Craig, Meriden, ConnecticutCastle Craig, Meriden, Connecticut

Castle Craig, Meriden, ConnecticutCastle Craig, Meriden, Connecticut

Later in the day we headed back to our hotel and just chilled and caught up on much needed rest!

You can stay up to date with our whole trip HERE!

4,000+ Mile Road Trip from the USA to Canada

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