Live Video Crafting Tutorial TOMORROW + FREEBIE!
Do you ever see a DIY project that you just absolutely love but aren’t sure how to make it – or even better, you attempt to make it and it turns out to be a Pinterest fail?!? We’ve all been there before. But you’re in luck! I will be teaching you LIVE how to step by step make my awesome Mason Jar holder that you can use for just about anything!! Tune in LIVE tomorrow at 11am EST over on HomeTalk’s Facebook page to catch me!
How it Works:
- Thursday, August 10th at 11:00am EST sign on to Facebook and visit HomeTalk
- Begin watching me live and comment answering the questions I ask
- Be sure to leave a comment saying “Hi Stephanie! Visiting from Gathered In The Kitchen”
- Make sure to LIKE & LOVE the video as I’m sharing
- At the end of my video I will announce one winner of a special HomeTalk gift!!
As a special thank you to all of my readers, I wanted to offer a special freebie PDF that can be used for a SVG cut file that I will be featuring tomorrow! You can download your freebie HERE!
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Can’t wait to see you guys LIVE tomorrow over on HomeTalk at 11:00am EST.