Introducing Our Newest Chef

Little Finch has always been obsessed with our three dogs, particularly Lovie because she’s so small (6.5lb Miniature Daschund). However, the family that was visiting last week does not have dogs. Therefore, all of the dogs were hand fed every piece of food they ate, were walked on leashes all throughout the house, held in laps and were snuggled and slept with in their dog beds (I’m serious). The last day the kids decided that they needed to walk around with Lovie in their arms. Since that time, Lovie has not been put down because Little Finch is now “supposed” to carry her all around and do EVERYTHING with her. This brings me to my point of this post….minimal words, just pictures!!! (someone come save my poor dog!!!)

All dressed in their aprons!
Just a wee bit excited to show Lovie the ropes around the kitchen
Adding the ingredients
Showing Lovie how to use the mixer
Watching the cookies bake

Anyone curious as to what we were making? We made these Chocolate Cherry-Almond Cookies. This post was from April. Look at the difference in Little Finch’s hair!!! Before baking these cookies with Lovie I had just cut 2-2.5″ off!!! Crazy long!

The most addictive cookie ever!!!

I stinkin’ ate 24 of these ridiculous things! I have forbidden myself to eating any today because if I eat one I will eat the rest. They are just soooooo addictive! I can’t help myself!

PLEASE go and make some for yourself so I’m not alone in the fatty club!!! 🙂

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*Little Sparrow


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