How To Plant Raspberry Plants Outside In The Garden | Step-by-Step

To grow healthy raspberry plants, choose a spot in full sun with well-drained soil, keep the ground free from weeds, water regularly, fertilize twice a year, prune annually. By following these tips, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious and nutritious raspberries.

How To Plant Raspberry Plants Outside In The Garden | Step-by-Step | Gathered In The Kitchen

I am in the process of converting a large section of our yard into an English-inspired garden, complete with lots of perennials and gravel paths.

My goal is to have really very minimal grass in the particular area and have it be filled with planters, raised garden beds and areas landscaped with large Wisconsin fieldstone.

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My son and I went to a couple outdoor garden centers and picked out a ton of plants that we liked.

One of those happened to be a raspberry plant!

I planted it and I cannot wait for it to start producing fruit!

How To Plant Red Raspberry 'Coho' Plants Outside In The Garden | Step-by-Step | Gathered In The Kitchen

Tips for Finding The Best Spot to Plant Raspberry Plants

  • Raspberry plants thrive in full sun, so choose a location that receives at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day
  • The soil should be well-drained and rich in organic matter
  • Conduct a soil test to check the pH level, aiming for a range of 5.5 to 6.5 for optimal growth
  • Using a cultivator, till the soil to loosen the dirt and remove any weeds or grass roots before planting
Cultivate the garden soil before planting | Gathered In The Kitchen

How To Plant Raspberry Plants Outside | Step-by-Step

Follow these steps for both planting raspberry plants in either a raised garden bed or directly in the ground.

STEP 1: Dig a hole 2 times the size of the plant root ball

STEP 2: Add a little fertilizer into the hole

STEP 3: Remove the raspberry plant from the plastic container and gently “ruffle” the roots. Place the plant in the hole, ensuring that the base of the stem is level with or slightly above the ground level

STEP 4: Loosely pack the dirt back around the plant

STEP 5: Water around the plant, not on top of the leaves. Regularly water the plants, especially during dry periods, ensuring that the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged

YouTube video

Growing raspberry plants requires proper site selection, soil preparation, regular watering, fertilizing, pruning, and harvesting. By following these tips and maintaining regular care and maintenance throughout the growing season, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious and nutritious raspberries.

When To Prune Your Plant?

Once your plant is planted, you may need to prune immediately. Follow my guide for How To Properly Prune Young Raspberry Plants to ensure you give your raspberry plant the best chance of survival!

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How To Plant Raspberry Plants in The Garden | Step-by-Step | Gathered In The Kitchen

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