Wal-Mart Savings Catcher
Hey there guys! Have you heard of the Savings Catcher program through Wal-Mart yet? The other night Lover Boy and I were watching TV and I saw a commerical for it so I figured I’d check it out…and guess what?? I love it!!
It’s a program through Wal-Mart that allows you to enter in your receipt number and they do a local search to see if you got the absolute lowest price available at that time (within a 7 day time frame of original purchase). Once you submit the receipt the little computer robots in the virtual world work their magic and scan all of the other local ads. Within three days you receive an email letting you know if you “earned” any money back…and if you did, what they do is add it to your account and you can print off a gift card to use on your next purchase – or you can let the money accumulate and print the gift card once it reaches a higher amount. So far after 2 receipts I’ve already saved $1.92
This is exciting for me because I am basically a lazy shopper. I don’t coupon and I don’t go to multiple stores. My excuse? It’s a pain in the butt to load and unload 3 kids 5 years and under multiple times!! The few cents I’d save is just not worth it. I generally do shop mostly at Wal-Mart because ours has a great selection of organic items and obviously always has all of the other random things I end up needing!
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Go to Savings Catcher to get your account set up today!!
*this is not a paid post. Wal-Mart and Savings Catcher have no clue who I am – I’m just a frugal mommy sharing spreading the word about saving money!