Thomas The Tank Engine

I finally decided to peel back my covers, put down Black Heels to Tractor Wheels and go to my most dreaded place. Wal-Mart. I absoutley hate going there! It’s a kid enticing, full of junk you don’t need, money sucking pit. I swear, everytime we go there I am haggled by my two year old to buy something that was purposely placed on an end cap to lure in the conniving little children (particularly my daughter).

In sheer hope of trying to accomplish all of my shopping needs at one store I stopped to ask the butcher if they sold organic meat. She informed me that nope they didn’t have it and then decided to strike up a lengthy conversation with my daughter. She asked her all about her little brother, who her favorite cartoon characters were, and on and on and on. Little Finch replied “Thomas favvrite!” (I think simply this was her answer because she has as Thomas The Tank Engine Christmas DVD and was watching it earlier in the day).

Once we broke loose from our very lenghty conversation with the buthcher woman, I headed on my way to grab something in the baby isle when I stumbled upon these:

Lover Boy sporting a beard to "keep him warm" when up in the ice tundra of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan next week


Of course, right after Little Finch proudly announced that Thomas was her favorite! Just my luck! Now it was me this time who was sucked in to Wal-Mart’s evil ways and I just couldn’t resist. The kids were excited…and daddy was too! Can’t you tell?!?! 😉

(for the record we never buy stuff with cartoon characters, etc but I had to make the exception, just this once!)

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