Hello World!

Hello there! This past week has been one of the most insane weeks of my life! Rather than bore you/gross you out with lovely bits of the bug that plowed through our house I will just sum it up. Within 6 days we visited the kids pediatrician three times, both kids were diagnosed with ear infections and Haemophilus Influenzae (loads of fun!) They were both put on Amoxicillin. Little Finch was later changed to Amoxicillin with Augmentin. I had a 12 hour bout of only God knows what. All I can say is that every single joint of mine hurt, my limbs were involuntarily flapping every which way. My head, stomach, throat, and finger bones hurt. I had nausea. I was dizzy. The list goes on…I was quite the lovely sight! (not!) Lover Boy insisted taking me to the hospital, but I kindly refused to get in the car 🙂

So far we have washed 8 loads of laundry and have barely made a dent. (I stayed up until 12:15am this morning putting them away!) We have gone through 4 boxes of Kleenex (and am off to the store to buy some more today). Thank God yesterday was garbage day! We had snot Kleenex’s spilling out the front door practically!

Although we still have runny noses and croupy coughs, we are all alive and on our way to recovery! Thank God! Watching your kids being sick is one of the hardest things I believe. I know I would do anything in my power to just trade their sickness for my health. But in each trial comes a lesson and a greater appreciation! I really learned to rely on my hubby a lot this week…and am so thankful for his help!


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We haven’t done much cooking obviously this week because no one was hungry. However, I found these pictures of Little Finch and I making breakfast a few weeks ago. Enjoy them!

Use your favorite cookie cutter on a piece of bread










Place in skillet and crack and egg into the cutout. Season with salt and pepper. Cook egg according to preference. Enjoy!











Quick and easy, but a different take on breakfast. I hope you enjoy!

Thanks for all of the get well wishes!


*Little Sparrow

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One Comment

  1. Rebecca Vander Hamm says:

    I remember making this recipe in Middle School Home Economics. I think it’s called “Toad in a Hole.”

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