A Little Secret…

When I started Gathered In The Kitchen I didn’t necessarily intend for it to be primarily recipes. I created it with the intent of it being my rambling space out there in the big ol’ blogosphere world. With that said, most of my posts do involve recipes because that’s what channel I’m on right now in my life…food!! However, from time to time I like to include other posts about things we’ve done, places we gone, etc. So today I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I’m a little embarrassed admitting to it but I feel cool enough in general to admit it! (haha) So here it is…

The kids and I came downstairs for breakfast this morning. Our 56″ TV’s lamp went out (it’s getting picked up today though) so Lover Boy had brought down an old clunker just to watch occasional movies on (we are too cheap/don’t want to spend the time watching TV so we don’t have TV service…therefore we do not have a digital converter box for this old clunk).


Yesterday while birthday present shopping for one of Little Finch’s friends I came across a 2 pack Barney DVD set in the $5 bin…score I thought. We got home and of course she wanted to watch it right away. (Lover Boy is always trying to get her interested in Disney and Pixar movies, but there is always one character that is a little mean and she FREAKS out and refuses to watch it, closes her eyes, screams to turn it off, etc…she will only watch Curious George, Sid The Science Kid, and Barney!..just my luck!)

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Back to today…

We’re having friends over this afternoon so in an attempt to keep Little Finch entertained with things other than her toys and make a mess, I put on her new Barney Adventure Bus DVD (I’m such a great mom aren’t I?!?) She then chose to eat her breakfast on the couch. I sat at the table with Laughing Coyote. I couldn’t even help it, but I started singing along with the songs. They are so gosh darn catchy! I tell ya, the songwriters for Barney rock. I’m serious. When I was a kid my brother who is 7.5 years younger than me liked Barney and of course I thought he was stupid…but now…I’m hooked!

In case you want to have the same great pleasure that I have here are our favorite Barney DVD’s…and if not, you are missing out! 😉

Barney Adventure Bus

We also have this Christmas one…we lost the DVD so thank goodness for Netflix!!

Barney: Night Before Christmas

Here’s the link for the Christmas DVD


Singing Along,

*Little Sparrow








  1. My little girl LOVES Barney! We went to his concert about a month ago and it was pretty darn good. Being an ex preschool teacher a lot of the songs we sung daily. I start off with the $5 DVDs at Target and she been hooked since. No evil villain just good wholesome kid songs and imagination!

  2. Rebecca Vander Hamm says:

    Maybe your Barney Christmas cd was left at Gma and Gpa’s house during one of your home visits?!?!

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